Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Recordings Listing


Beaverton, OR
Friday & Saturday
Aug. 18 through 19, 2006

Be Thou My Vision

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 06-01
Aug. 18, 2006

When Rick and Marilyn Boyer started home educating the eldest of their four children a decade and a half ago, they didn't know what they were getting into. Now, twenty-five years and ten additional children later, they know exactly what they got into - and they love it! In this session, Rick draws on the principles of Scripture and years of experience to show how home education can be simple, enjoyable and powerfully effective. You, too, can home educate with confidence!

ID: 06-02
Aug. 18, 2006

One of the biggest failures of our public and private school systems is that they do not teach students how to think critically. In this seminar, Dr. Wile gives you specific suggestions as to how you can teach your child to think critically, regardless of the subject matter that the student is learning. You will learn how to help your student evaluate statements, look for hidden assumptions, find political/social agendas, and discover faulty logic. Although Dr. Wile’s area of interest is science, he will show you how critical thinking applies to all academic areas, as well as all facets of your life.

God has not called Christians to be influenced by society around them, but to be salt and light in that society. Every family must instill children with a sense of mission and equip them with methods to shine a light into the darkness of our community, city, and nation.

It's a blessing but it can be stressing! Home schooling with tiny ones around the house is a special challenge, but one that many moms handle with great success. Come hear how Marilyn Boyer,mother of 14 and a home schooler of 22 years' experience, makes her little ones a valuable part of the team!

Are you just beginning homeschooling or have you recently started? This session discusses why homsechool, where to find support and resources, how to assess your children's needs and how to plan for the school year and choose curriculum.

ID: 06-24
Aug. 19, 2006

When we discover that the "key to success" in home schooling is found in relationship, we go beyond survival mode and into abundance. Through an insightful and humorous word picture based on the scripture, "Unless the Lord builds the house...", the audience gets a look at the tools and materials used to build an educational "house." Diana also offers a very transparent and inviting description of her family's entry into home schooling, complete with reactions from grandparents, garage sale desks, and the first three false starts.

ID: 06-25
Aug. 19, 2006

Dr. Ray will first ask "Should you teach your own children?" then proceed to help his audience answer the question which is the title of this message. Brian will use Christian thought, his experience as a long-time home education father of eight children, ideas from the education profession, and research to stimulate, challenge, and encourage both veteran and novice educators.

ID: 06-32
Aug. 19, 2006

Before mass compulsory schooling, students learned to investigate, reason, and form independent attitudes. Today's home educating parents are discovering many exciting ways to get beyond packaged curriculum and experience real books, real experiences, real relationships-real learning!