Recordings Listing


Northwest Nazarene University
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 1 through 2, 2018

2018 CHOIS Convention

Presented by: Homeschool Idaho
Recording ID: 2018-ALL
Original Price: $195.00
Set Price: $60.00

Complete Convention Recording Collection for the 2018 CHOIS Convention

With this purchase you will have the ability to download and listen to any or all sessions from the 2018 CHOIS Convention. Enjoy them today and for years to come! This collection contains audio from both the adult workshops and the Teen Program sessions. This set does not include recordings that were lost or damaged due to technical difficulties. This set is designed for personal use only.

Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 18-111Discipline That Works: Get Your Kids to Listen the FIRST Time by: Kirk Martin18-112The Four Language Arts by: Andrew Pudewa18-113Choosing Curriculum and Teaching Methods by: Linda Patchin18-114The Power of Homeschool Research: What It Tells Us and How to Use It by: Dr. Brian Ray18-115Building a Solid Math Foundation by: Teresa Foltin18-116Relational Wisdom: Preparing Children for Life by: Jeff Sande18-117The Science of Learning and How it Should Change What You Do On Monday by: Beth Mora18-121Motivating Strong Willed Toddlers Tweens & Teens by: Kirk Martin18-122Teaching and Evaluating Writing by: Andrew Pudewa18-123Solving Your Science Struggles by: Jeannie Fulbright18-124Common Challenges to and Succeeding in Home-Based Education by: Dr. Brian Ray18-125Mom, Don't Make Me Think – Just  Tell Me The Answer by: Teresa Foltin18-126Raising Empathetic Children by: Jeff Sande18-127Educational Life Hacks for Students With Dyslexia, Dysgraphia or Dyspraxia by: Beth Mora18-13110 Ways to Stop Defiance, Meltdowns & Disrespect by: Kirk Martin18-132Spelling and the Brain by: Andrew Pudewa18-133How to Homeschool Multiple children by: Jeannie Fulbright18-134Remind Me Again: Why Am I Homeschooling My Teen? by: Linda Patchin18-135Teaching Math to a Child with Learning Challenges    by: Teresa Foltin18-136Powerful Peacemaking by: Jeff Sande18-137Keeping Your Smart Cookie Challenged by: Beth Mora18-201Stop the Yelling, Lecturing & Power Struggles by: Kirk Martin18-202Embrace Your Journey by: Jeannie Fulbright18-211The Strong-Willed Child: Are You Saving for Bail or College? by: Kirk Martin18-212Paper and Pen: What Research Says by: Andrew Pudewa18-213Notebooking—Creativity with a Purpose by: Jeannie Fulbright18-214Homeschooling Works and Increases Freedom by: Dr. Brian Ray18-215Fractions: From Fear to Fun! by: Teresa Foltin18-216Discipling Faith in the Family by: Marty Meyer18-217So Smart But He Can't Find His Shoes by: Beth Mora18-222Nurturing Competent Communicators – The Power of Linguistic Patterns by: Andrew Pudewa18-223Curriculum, Transcripts, Diplomas…Oh My! by: Linda Patchin18-224Home Educated and Now Adults: Were the Criticisms True or False? by: Dr. Brian Ray18-225Memorizing Math Facts without Tears by: Teresa Foltin18-226Relational Wisdom in the Movies by: Jeff Sande18-227How to develop an educational plan for your student with dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADHD, and other special needs by: Beth Mora18-231Stop Sibling Fights   by: Kirk Martin18-232Reading Strategies for the Struggling or Non-Reader by: Andrew Pudewa18-233College Crash Course by: Jeannie Fulbright18-234Why ESA-Tax-Funded Schooling is a Bad Idea by: Dr. Brian Ray18-235Let's Play Math Games! by: Teresa Foltin18-236Missions and Families by: Marty Meyer18-237The Road to Homeschool Co-op Utopia    by: Beth Mora18-Y104The Profound Influence of Music on Life, Part One by: Andrew Pudewa18-Y106History Maker 202 - Perception: Understanding Your World by: Marty Meyer18-Y107History Maker 303 - Principles for Knowing God and Hearing His Voice by: Marty Meyer18-Y108Relational Wisdom (a Youth Message) by: Jeff Sande18-Y204The Profound Influence of Music on Life, Part Two: Evaluating Musical Elements by: Andrew Pudewa18-Y205Straight Talk For Teens: 10 Ways to Get More Power & Freedom by: Casey Martin18-Y206Speaking Up Without Talking Back: 5 Ways to Disagree With Your Parents, Respectfully. by: Casey Martin18-Y207Purpose, Passion, & Contentment. Discovering God's Plan For Your Life. by: Casey Martin18-Y208Relational Wisdom in the Movies (Message for youth) by: Jeff Sande This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

God has hard-wired us to learn, and the science behind His masterful plan will strengthen your resolve to help your child blaze new neural pathways. Come and get the inside scoop of how the lightbulb of learning goes on, and more importantly, how you can increase “ah ha” moments on Monday. Beth Mora, author, blogger, and former Certified Rehab Nurse in discovering that science is rooted in God’s words of wisdom. This information is perfect for all types of learners including gifted and those with special needs.

How do you motivate a child who looks right at you and doesn’t listen? What about a teenager who has shut down or defiant? Your child was born with boxing gloves on, ready to fight. Well-meaning people tell you to clamp down on and get control of your child. But you don’t want to crush his spirit or create more defiance. Instead of constantly creating power struggles, we’ll show you how to enjoy a respectful, motivated child who is confident, persistent and purposeful. Society needs our kids. And you can enjoy them. I’ll get my own strong-willed son, Casey, answering questions in this class.

There are certain challenges that are common to most or all homeschool parents and their children, especially in the “early years” of home educating. And there are key considerations, pieces of philosophy, and practices that significantly enhance home educators’ success, attitudes, and joy. Dr. Ray will present to you some of the nuggets that he and his wife have gleaned from the home education of their eight children (now ages 30s to 19), and from years of research and learning from thousands of parents and families from around the world.

How long do you allow a child to think before you start helping them? Sometimes we need to be quiet and let them wrestle with the problem. Do you know that children will learn better and remember things longer when they discover the solution? The goal is to provide a way for them to learn how to solve problems. Find out how to help your child think their way through math.

These “Triple D” neurologically based learning challenges affect reading, handwriting, spelling, composition, and sometimes math? You may have the diagnosis and understand what is happening in your child’s brain, but the question remains, how do I teach my child? Beth Mora will present educational life hacks that will help your student thrive in all subjects areas.

ID: 18-132
Jun. 1, 2018

Many children (and some adults) have difficulty learning to spell, but the difficulty may not be with the student so much as with the method of presentation. Learn how spelling information is most efficiently stored in the brain, and why. With a greater insight parents and teachers will be well-equipped to meet the needs of all their children, not just the naturally good spellers.

ID: 18-133
Jun. 1, 2018

As an experienced homeschooling mother of four children, Jeannie Fulbright shares tips and ideas to make homeschooling children of different ages and abilities a breeze.

Teaching is not for the faint of heart. Mix in a child with learning challenges and you may end up becoming very discouraged, and ready to throw in the towel. Be encouraged, you are NOT alone. Whether your child has been diagnosed with a learning challenge or simply doesn’t “get” math, listen and learn some teaching strategies and techniques. Help your child overcome those learning challenges and succeed in math.

ID: 18-137
Jun. 1, 2018

Is your second grader building a fusion reactor in your backyard or calculating rates of speed and velocity? Forrest and Beth Mora’s daughter, SmartCookie #1 received her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree in three short years at 21 years of age and is a certified teacher. Their son, SmartCookie #2 and twin to #1, received a 104% in Calculus 2 in his senior year of high school and reads C++ programming textbooks for enjoyment. Beth candidly shares her journey of home educating her two academically advanced children and learn how she kept the wheels of opportunity turning. Learn what worked and what didn’t. If you have a “Smartcookie”, you won’t want to miss this unique perspective.

ID: 18-202
Jun. 2, 2018

No matter how picture perfect someone’s Facebook post appears, everyone has difficulties. These are part of your homeschool journey. It’s easy to let the issue of the day, or year, become such an emotional energy drain that we end up feeling deflated and defeated, unable to experience joy. God’s Word promises that if we will look at our unique trials through His eyes and allow Him access to our heart, mind and spirit, we will find that our problem is really God’s gateway to peace.

ID: 18-212
Jun. 2, 2018

Recent years have seen an enormous increase in the use of technology in education. But is technology really the cure that many believe it to be? While traditional skills such as cursive penmanship are seen as unnecessary in the modern world, the actual research tells a different story. Learn the compelling reasons to choose paper books instead of electronic devices for reading, to handwrite instead of type when note-taking, to teach cursive instead of printing for penmanship, and to grab a pen instead of pencil for composition. Discover how to unleash creativity that goes beyond technology.

ID: 18-213
Jun. 2, 2018

Using student created notebooks encourages an atmosphere and creativity as children essentially produce their own work to display their learning. Jeannie explains why and how to use this easy and effective educational approach that replaces workbooks, enhances learning and retention of the subject, and develops a true love for learning. Examples and visual aids make the information easy to understand and implement in your homeschool.

ID: 18-214
Jun. 2, 2018

In spite of what professional educators might tell you, homeschooling works. Even parents with a high school education help their children excel with home-based education. Educators have talked for centuries about using state-run education to liberate people. Could it be that parent-led, home-based education is the only deep and lasting way to free individuals from control (even tyranny)? One of the world’s leading homeschool researchers makes this engaging and fact-filled presentation as he reviews research on homeschooling and documents the findings of his own multiple studies.

ID: 18-215
Jun. 2, 2018

Do you remember the groans in math class when the word “fraction” was brought up? Well, there is a better and less painful way of teaching fractions! Fractions are, dare I say, fun when they are taught the right way. So, what’s the right way to teach them? Come and discover how to approach fractions. Experience the beauty and simplicity of fractions!

ID: 18-217
Jun. 2, 2018

Why can my gifted student calculate geometric ratios but he can’t find his shoes? One moment you’re conversing with your student about the research on genetics and the next moment he’s arguing with you that his Superman cape can sustain flight because it has super powers. Gifted children often experience what’s called “asynchronous development.” How do you meet the developmental and academic needs of a gifted learner? Beth Mora will address this in detail from experience with her two academically gifted children.

Many think that good readers will naturally become good writers. Others think that writing talent is just that a natural ability. Both are myths. What are the two most critical things you can do as a parent to develop a high level of writing aptitude, from a young age and into high school? You will hear the two easy but unbelievably powerful things you can do to build language patterns and nurture competent communicators in your family.

ID: 18-223
Jun. 2, 2018

If you have ever wondered how to design a high school course of study, evaluate the results, develop a transcript or award a diploma, then this is the workshop for you! Linda will cover all of these subjects and more in one quick hour.

ID: 18-225
Jun. 2, 2018

People, especially children, are visual learners. Approaching math from a visual perspective using an abacus is a sure-fire path to success! Learn how an abacus fosters quantity recognition and develops addition strategies. Investigate place value in a crystal clear format. Explain “borrowing and carrying” when adding and subtracting numbers. Discover the simplicity of multiplication. Find the easy way to learn the math facts.

Beth is a case manager and a rehab nurse (C.R.R.N.) She is a student of her patients and has learned a great deal from the families she has served. Beth will introduce the S.O.A.P. method to help you develop an educational plan for your child with special needs and help you locate that missing puzzle piece. Be strengthened and empowered to continue your special needs journey.

As schools believe that producing good readers will solve all their academic problems. Many children—the dyslexic, the easily distracted, the auditorily challenged—are truly left behind in the rush to improve test scores. Reading is not simply being able to rapidly decode symbols with the eyes. Hear stories and strategies for helping students who need to engage the cognitive processes of reading, but who are more likely to excel through a wider variety of practical, creative, and imaginative approaches.

ID: 18-233
Jun. 2, 2018

There is a lot of misinformation in the homeschool community about college. Indeed, going from homeschool to college does involve jumping through hoops. Jeannie homeschooled her oldest child from start to finish, helping her garner early acceptance into the University of Georgia on scholarship, where she graduated Magna Cum Laude, earning her degree in Photo Journalism. She has experience. From transcripts and portfolios to the application process and everything in between, the earlier you have this information, the easier it will be sail through the hoops that’ll get your child into their college of choice.

ID: 18-235
Jun. 2, 2018

Does your child cry at the thought of another timed math fact test? Are you beating your head against the wall because your child can’t seem to remember the multiples of 7? Learn fabulous and effective alternatives to worksheets and flashcards by playing easy and fun math card games. Imagine your children asking to practice their math facts more! Discover games to help your child learn their math facts.