Recordings Listing


Patchogue, NY
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 24 through 25, 2017

2017 NYS LEAH Downstate Conference

Presented by: New York State Loving Education At Home
ID: DNY1704
Mar. 24, 2017

Husbands and fathers, it is time to love and lead - now. Like Christ loves the church. Wives and mothers, it is time to love your husband as God has declared. Nurture and admonish your children but do not provoke them. Is all of this possible? Yes. But what can you do? Brian and Betsy will give you pointed challenges, down-to-earth examples, laughter, and practical ideas to see your marriage grow from glory to glory in God's good and exciting will. They will help to encourage you with scripture, their experiences, and what they have learned during 34 years of marriage and the upbringing of eight children.

Dr. Ray's major study examines the lives of 7,306 adults from across the United States who were homeschooled. This study and research by others focus on adults' general demographics, attitudes towards their own home-education experience, and success in life. Success is evaluated with respect to civic, social, educational, employment, worldview traits, performance in college, and in occupations. In many ways, they are very "normal." On the other hand, they are remarkably different than the general U.S. population. Generally speaking, the findings of research defuse many of the long-held negative criticisms of those who doubted homeschooling's benefits, whether practiced in the U.S. or in other nations. And the findings will likely be a great encouragement to those parents and advocates of home-based education over the past two decades.

Challenging behavior in children occurs for all types of reasons. Learn how the Bible provides a blueprint to understanding the sources of these behaviors, how to maintain our composure, practical techniques and approaches to effectively manage behaviors, and teach children skills to change for the better.

Topics: Encouragement

From where does the homeschooling movement come? What are its precursors and motivators? Key-events? Further, what are the movement's-and your-vision for the future? Dr. Ray will give a very quick history of about 6,000 years of education/schooling then slow down for the modern parent-led home-based education movement. Christians need to take history seriously so that they can move ahead with a strong foundation, vision, effectiveness, and grace and avoiding mistakes and slumps with their families and homeschool organizations in the next decade. Many realize that you really do not know where you are going until you understand where you have come from. Come and be challenged by Dr. Ray about both.