Recordings Listing


Lincoln, NE
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 1 through 2, 2016

2016 NCHEA Conference and Curriculum Fair

Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association
ID: 2016B2
Apr. 1, 2016

THINK Dyslexic! Learn the facts about dyslexia. If trying to teach students with dyslexia/S.L.D. is fresh for most teachers, consider what it must be like from the student point of view. Engage in tasks that simulate the dif?culty a student with learning disabilities might have when asked to perform typical classwork. You’ll look at your role a little differently.

Topics: Special needs
ID: 2016C3
Apr. 1, 2016

In this overview of ASD (Autism Spectum Disorder), participants will learn about the prevalence and characteristics including cognitive ability, social/emotional development, communication, ?ne and gross motor skills, and sensory processing, together with simple strategies for supporting individuals on the spectrum.

Topics: Special needs

20/20 eyesite is one of many visual components that contributes to the ability to take in visual information for learning. It’s thought that up to 80% of learning relies on the visual system through components of eye tracking, focusing, teaming, and processing of visual information. This presentation is to raise awareness of the impact visual de?ciencies can have on learning, signs that may indicate your child has an underlying vision disorder impacting their ability to learn, and treatment options for these visual de?ciencies.

Topics: Special needs