Recordings Listing
Friday & Saturday
Jul. 22 through 23, 2016
OR-2016 Growing in Wisdom and Stature
Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Set Price: $125.00
2016 Complete Conference
When you purchase the complete conference set you can download any or all of the messages available so that you can take them with you and listen on your phone, personal device or home computer. Move several to a USB drive to listen in your car. Each message stands alone, so download the ones you want and leave the ones that don't apply. One economical price (almost 60% off) buys the entire conference.
Handouts for select sessions can be found at
Jul. 22, 2016
Presented by Math-U-See
Come see how to teach math using a skill-based, multi-sensory approach from counting to calculus. Teach your child to understand math and build a foundation for a lifelong love of learning.
Jul. 22, 2016
Presented by Mount St. Helens Creation Center The 'evidence' offered for evolution is not really science, but rather the clever and deceptive use of language. Creation speaker Paul Taylor of the Mount St Helens Creation Center will show you how to spot the pseudo-science without needing a degree in science! The workshop uses Paul's book of the same title, and curriculum materials.
Jul. 22, 2016
Presented by Help Eliminate Learning Problems Does it seem like you are always connecting the dots for your child only to find your connections were erased the next time the subject comes up? The staff from HELP will discuss how you as a parent can understand the way your child learns and why it is important to know how your child best processes, stores, and retrieves information. You’ll learn how concentration, focus, time management, cause-and-effect thinking and organization can be improved by integrating more organized critical thinking into the learning process. HELP is a not-for-profit organization located on the campus of Marylhurst University between West Linn and Lake Oswego, providing testing and drug-free treatment for children and adults with learning and processing problems. For more information about HELP, check our website at or call 503-635-3389 for an evaluation appointment.
Jul. 22, 2016
Presented by A.C.E. Critical thinking skills are an important part of a child’s learning process – from learning their ABC’s to Algebra to Physics. The A.C.E. curriculum has activities at every level that give students the opportunity to develop and use critical thinking skills. These skills will help any student maximize learning.
Jul. 22, 2016
Presented by Creation Engineering Concepts.
A PowerPoint presentation explaining the content and benefits of The Christian Family Worldview Library available exclusively from Creation Engineering Concepts. Speaker is creationist author Mr. J.D. Mitchell, PE, MBS.
Jul. 22, 2016
RightStart™ Math
So, math was not your favorite subject. But now you’re the teacher and you don’t want your kids to suffer through math like you did. You know that math is important and it would be nice to have a healthy relationship with it. In this workshop, you will learn about a curriculum that will provide ways to learn and practice math other than through memorization. In fact, how about teaching about the beauty and wonder of math? Come join us and learn what is needed to unlock understanding in math. Beware, you may actually start to like math!
Jul. 22, 2016
Presented by Classical Conversations Classical Conversations invites you to spend an hour hearing about how you can teach your child history through all of their education. Whether they are in 1st grade or writing their senior thesis, history is woven throughout our program. Come see how history can look in your home and how Classical Conversations can help.
Jul. 23, 2016
Presented by Samaritan Ministries, Conference Sponsor - THIS RECORDING IS INCOMPLETE DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES We will attempt to identify many of the disadvantages of the health insurance model under the ACA and look at the many ways Samaritan Ministries members view the comparisons and advantages of the health care sharing model under the current medical care environment.
Jul. 23, 2016
Presented by Help Eliminate Learning Problems THIS IS A REPEAT OF SESSION 16-212 Does it seem like you are always connecting the dots for your child only to find your connections were erased the next time the subject comes up? The staff from HELP will discuss how you as a parent can understand the way your child learns and why it is important to know how your child best processes, stores, and retrieves information. You’ll learn how concentration, focus, time management, cause-and-effect thinking and organization can be improved by integrating more organized critical thinking into the learning process. HELP is a not-for-profit organization located on the campus of Marylhurst University between West Linn and Lake Oswego, providing testing and drug-free treatment for children and adults with learning and processing problems. For more information about HELP, check our website at or call 503-635-3389 for an evaluation appointment.
Jul. 23, 2016
How can we teach the Bible in a way it will stick and become your students' "first response" in life? Take your students from normal Sunday School stories to a deeper level in Bible truths and have fun in the process. Draw your way through the Bible, book by book. Learn major concepts, people and events. No talent necessary. Minimum teacher prep, maximum student retention, lots of fun... that is The Picture Smart Bible!
Jul. 23, 2016
Come and discover award-winning Excellence in Writing, a method of teaching composition that really works. Using this program, students of all ages will learn to write stories, reports and essays with style. This workshop will give you an overview of the program and show you how you can get started.
Jul. 23, 2016
Presented by Roman Roads Media In his 1954 essay, Descriptione Temporum, C.S. Lewis coined the phrase "Old Western Culture." What did Lewis mean by the term, and how might it inform our understanding of classical education?
Jul. 23, 2016
Spelling You See - Show More
Presented by Math-U-See Learn how hundreds of children have become confident, successful spellers using the methods taught in Spelling You See. There are no weekly spelling lists, no weekly spelling tests, and no time-consuming instructor preparation. Instead, a brief daily activity helps students integrate writing, reading, speaking, and listening.
Jul. 23, 2016
Presented by Open LORE Assistive Reading Software
In this workshop you will learn about barriers to excellent reading that your child may be facing, such as Dyslexia, Irlen Syndrome, and ADHD. We will present how the advanced reading technology from Open LORE works and can be personalized for your child’s unique needs. Workshop participants will learn how to configure and use Open LORE reading software and also access the vast Bookshare book service. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about an accessible but fun reading environment that can enable your child to realize their full, creative potential!
Jul. 23, 2016
Presented by National Christian Forensics and Communications Association(NCFCA)
Young people can learn effective communication skills through competitive speech and debate. As stewards of the Truth, our students must become confident, effective, and impactful communicators, regardless of their natural ability. Hear speeches presented by students and learn of the vision of the National Christian Forensics and Communications Association (NCFCA).
Jul. 23, 2016
Presented by Convention of the States - Oregon
Fed up with the feds, government corruption, no true justice, endless agencies, diminishing rights? The Framers left us a solution in Article V of the Constitution, a Convention of States. Come learn how we can turn this nation back to Liberty by using the Constitution to save the Constitution. For the liberty of your children and grandchildren!