Recordings Listing
Thursday - Saturday
Feb. 15 through 17, 2024
2024 NDHSA Convention - Blessed is the Man
Presented by: North Dakota Home School AssociationSet Price: $120.00
ND 2024 Complete Conference Set
When you purchase this set you do not need to "check" any other boxes. All messages (that were successfully recorded at the event) will be delivered (via email link) to you as soon as possible after they are presented. Note: Ms. Goyer was unable to attend.
Feb. 16, 2024
Learn from pediatrician, Dr. Roger Smith, how stress and trauma affects a child’s ability to learn and perform. Research on stress has yielded a better understanding of the biochemical and neurologic responses we see as “behavior.” Parents can tap into this research to better guide their child through life’s stresses. This session will review both the science and the social impact of emotions in the context of a Biblical worldview. Dr. Smith will transform scientific gobbledygook into layman’s language with tangible application.
Feb. 16, 2024
Parenting style MUST SHIFT as your child grows. Developing influence with your child is essential to reducing the struggle for control as he matures. Having raised 4 children to lead productive lives as adults, the Smiths bring real-life stories from their past to illustrate both good and bad approaches to controlling kids in the family. Effectively handling each stage of growth, from toddler to teen, will set the stage for more influence. You will be encouraged, and you will be inspired.
What’s a dad to do? In a busy home, dads often find themselves being dragged along in all the activity involving the children. But can it be another way? The influence of the father can be the thing that helps all the activity stay on course. Dr. Smith will share ways he and others have made significant contributions to the home amid a busy career. This session will not be an attempt to produce guilt about failures but will offer solutions and hope for increasing the influence of dad in the home, resulting in everyone being happier.
Feb. 16, 2024
Conflict with our children can cause a great gulf between us. Discipline in the home is a must, but it need not create tension between us and our children. The Smiths will share how Biblical discipline is often misapplied, but more importantly, how we can pattern our family discipline after that of our Heavenly Father. Stories of parents doing it well will empower you to make needed adjustments in your approach to discipline.
Feb. 17, 2024
Communication patterns open, or close, the door to connectedness. Conflict is a normal part of every relationship, yet healthy conflict resolution is not common. Simple principles help us develop this skill that can be learned. This session will review some of the basic communication principles that are foundational to successful conflict resolution.
Thursday - Saturday
Feb. 9 through 11, 2023
WA - 2023 Marriage Retreat
Presented by: Christian Heritage Home Educators of WashingtonSet Price: $20.00
2023 Christian Heritage Marriage Retreat Complete Set
Feb. 9, 2023
Because we as a society have made marriage be so different from a marriage following God’s principles, it’s hard to know what a healthy relationship looks like! Discover key biblical principles and examples from the Bible to answer the question: “What do you need from me?”
Feb. 10, 2023
Lifelong learning about how to better accept and understand your spouse leads to a deeper love and appreciation of each other as the years click by. Grow in understanding of personality, temperament, biological clock, impact of home of origin, and other considerations that lead to more effective communication of love.
Feb. 10, 2023
Things that enrich our lives can also become points of contention. These may be difficult to navigate with grace. Let’s discuss some common problem areas that can occur concerning hobbies, in-laws, spending habits, childrearing, and more.
Feb. 10, 2023
Communication patterns open or close doors to connectedness. Conflict is a normal part of every relationship, yet healthy conflict resolution is not common. Learn some simple principles that help us develop this skill and are foundational to success!
Feb. 11, 2023
Good intentions in child rearing can damage a marriage. Some common practices can be avoided to prevent tearing your own house down!
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 17 through 18, 2022
OR- 2022 Joy in the Journey Conference
Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association NetworkSet Price: $99.00
Complete Conference Set of recordings
This gives you access to all of the available recordings made at the 2022 Oregon Christian Home Education Conference. No need to click on any other title. This selection provides all of the available session recordings.
Jun. 17, 2022
Many parents are confident managing decisions and educational choices through the middle school years but shake with fear when looking ahead to the high school years. The issues seem to have greater consequences, but Dr. Smith will show a mindset and approach that can energize you to make them the best years. Your emerging adults can become the ones who praise you instead of being your greatest critics. Together, you can not only save money, but you can launch your teens to find their own purpose in life.
Jun. 17, 2022
Learn from pediatrician Dr. Roger Smith how stress and trauma affect a child's ability to learn and perform. Research on stress has yielded a better understanding of the biochemical and neurologic responses we see as "behavior." Parents can tap into this research to better guide their children through life's stresses. This session will review both the science and the social impact of emotions in the context of a biblical worldview. Dr. Smith will transform scientific gobbledygook into layman's language with tangible applications.
What's a dad to do? In a busy home, dads often find themselves being dragged along in all the activities involving the children. But can it be another way? The influence of the father can be the thing that helps all the activities stay on course. Dads can make a significant contributions to the home even in the midst of a busy career. This will offer solutions and hope for increasing the influence of dad in the home, resulting in everyone being happier.
Jun. 18, 2022
Conflict with our children can cause a great gulf between us. Discipline in the home is a must, but it need not create tension between our children and us. The Smiths will share how biblical discipline is often misapplied, but more importantly, how we can pattern our family discipline after that of our Heavenly Father. Stories of parents doing it well will empower you to make needed adjustments in your approach to discipline.
Jun. 18, 2022
If the children are the glue holding your marriage together, you are on the path to divorce. A healthy marriage has characteristics that lead to a thriving home. Bringing 40 years of experience in marriage to bear on the subject, the Smiths recognize that some stages are harder than others, while it is never too late to improve the health of the relationship. The Smiths will share several tools that can help to restore or invigorate a marriage in a busy home where no one seems to have any extra time. Leave this session with ideas to make an immediate difference.
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 15 through 16, 2016
2016 Louisiana Christian Parenting Conference
Presented by: Homeschool LouisianaApr. 16, 2016
Conflict arises when parents least expect it, but it is a normal part of family life. Christian Discipline (child training…not punishment) in the home is essential for healthy relationships and creating an atmosphere where God is honored and learning begins. Unfortunately, accomplishing that goal from the toddler years to the teenage years is difficult and confusing. In this fast-paced, how-to workshop, Roger and Jan will share practical ways of dealing with common areas of conflict from a Biblical perspective.
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 17 through 18, 2015
2015 CHEF of Louisiana Homeschool & Parenting Convention - Raising the Next Generation
Presented by: Homeschool LouisianaApr. 18, 2015
Conflicts arise when parents least expect it, but it is part of normal family life. Discipline in the home is essential for healthy relationships and creating an atmosphere for learning, but accomplishing that from toddler to teen is difficult. In this fast-paced, how-to workshop, Roger and Jan offer practical ways of dealing with common areas of conflict from a Biblical mindset.
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 25 through 26, 2014
2014 CHEF of Louisiana Annual Homeschool Convention
Presented by: Homeschool LouisianaApr. 26, 2014
Sometimes the decisions facing us with the upcoming high school years can cause us to lose confidence; yet, it is precisely these years that have the most return for us as parents. In this session, practical and tangible information will be covered regarding course material, extra-curricular activities, transcripts, diplomas, ACT, SAT, PSAT, TOPS, free online tutorials, and classes, college prep vs. business, and resources for "the teacher." You will have to listen fast, but handouts will be available as well.