Massachusetts Homeschool Organization of Parent Educators

Recordings Listing


Worcester, MA
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 26 through 27, 2019

MA - 2019 MassHOPE Christian Homeschool & Family Discipleship Convention

Presented by: Massachusetts Homeschool Organization of Parent Educators
ID: 19-50
Apr. 27, 2019

There’s much talk about Christian worldview. Never before have Christian teens received so much training in developing a proper worldview. But something seems dreadfully wrong. The truth is…there doesn’t seem to be much difference between “our teens” and “their teens.” Honestly, there sometimes isn’t much difference between “our adults” and “their adults.” That’s about to change. Join Todd as he talks about a very REAL Christian Worldview. Todd isn’t going to give you a list of dos and don’ts, but will challenge you right where you live. Together, we just might change the world. You’ll want to be here.

Sometimes it seems like Christians are almost the only ones who believe in truth as a “thing.” But despite elaborate explanations, the flood of fake news, and trendy French philosophy, Andy explains why the postmodern emperor “has no clothes,” and why Christians can humbly declare truth with confidence and grace.

All children struggle, some academically, some socially, and many in their relationships at home. Although each child is unique and special, God has answers to the challenges they face. Come take a closer look at how God changes people and learn to apply the same principles to the parent-child relationship. You will be encouraged and equipped as you understand the roadmap to change and the practical tools necessary. Find courage and hope as these heart-based strategies resonate with your heart. Handout:

Because all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, adding extracurricular activities to your high school program will increase your teen’s enthusiasm and motivation during these years. Wisely choosing these activities provides opportunities for your teen to follow an interest, hone his talents, serve others, or simply enjoy new experiences. However, setting limits is important, too! Come and receive ideas and suggestions to consider as you explore many different extracurricular options. Handout:

Topics: High school
ID: 19-55
Apr. 27, 2019

Having trouble getting your child excited about science? Having trouble getting excited about science yourself? Get new vision and methods for teaching science with a biblical worldview in this workshop. Get ready to have some fun! Handout:

ID: 19-56
Apr. 27, 2019

ID: 19-58
Apr. 27, 2019

Andy debunks the myth of blind faith and the myth of pure reason. We’ll examine how presuppositions shape all of us and why the Logos of John 1 gives us a reason to reason at all. Along the way we’ll hear about the three ways of thinking that are at war in Western culture and how they shape your worldview and your culture.

Many Christian classical educators started on their journey through Dorothy Sayers’s 1947 essay, The Lost Tools of Learning, which, in recent decades, sparked interest in the Trivium (grammar, logic, and rhetoric) and an attempt to recover education as it once was. But, Dorothy Sayers’s presentation of the Trivium was intended as a beginning, not an end. This talks looks into the Trivium, its educational significance, and its often overlooked theological connections.

Do you have a student who is having reading difficulties? This session introduces the 5 Pillars of Reading: phonemic awareness, phonics (decoding and word recognition), fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. Faith offers guidance for identifying the area and the level of your child’s reading difficulty, and she also shares practical teaching tools, strategies, and techniques for remediating your child’s reading struggles. Session 2 will cover reading comprehension.

ID: 19-61
Apr. 27, 2019

Does your student understand math concepts, but can’t master multiplication facts? Do you have a child with a math phobia or even a learning disability in math? This workshop includes a broad spectrum of teaching strategies and resources that will equip you to present math in ways that go beyond the suggestions found in traditional teacher manuals. Handout: Resource:

Topics: Special needs
ID: 19-62
Apr. 27, 2019

One of the hardest things about teaching writing is figuring out how to grade it. Do you teach and assess the steps of the writing process? Does your child know clearly what you expect at every step? Is he motivated to write a clear message, or does he think the mechanics of spelling and grammar are all you really care about? Discover practical help to make teaching writing fun and effective. Handout:

Topics: Writing
ID: 19-63
Apr. 27, 2019

Fractions are often misunderstood and feared by children and parents. Come to this presentation and find a better and clearer way of teaching fractions. Fractions are, dare I say, fun when they are taught the right way. What’s the right way to teach them? Come and uncover the beauty and simplicity of fractions.

Topics: Math

The authority of the Word of God is being openly challenged today, even from within the Church. Though this has been true in nearly every generation, it is possible to have confidence and boldness in the timeless, eternal, and flawless character of Scripture. In this soul-stirring message, Eric Ludy explains the Canon Test (which God gave Moses to prove the authority of His Word) and shows how this “canon” was used throughout Scripture and is now applied in our lives. The climatic reality is that Jesus Christ has fulfilled the Canon Test and has the divine right to rule and control our lives. This powerful message will leave you awestruck as you listen to how Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament in perfection. Handout: ttps://

The evolution-creation battle isn’t really about science – it’s much bigger than mere fossils (as anyone who has listened to Dawkins and the other so-called “New Atheists” knows). They involve the way we see everything. Andy explores the truth and created myths behind Darwin’s work and the infamous Scopes trial, and explores the forgotten social and historical effects of the popularity of the Darwinian worldview.

Do you suspect your child is struggling with ADD? Maybe it’s confirmed, or maybe not but you just know. Join us and receive hope and encouragement through hands on practical, biblical tools to help your child thrive. You’ll learn to raise the character threshold enabling your child to do the right thing. Receive an Action Plan Worksheet with steps to develop a unique plan for your child. You’ll leave this session with the hope and encourage you desperately need. Handout:

Do you ever have those moments of panic when you wonder if you are giving your children everything they need to succeed in life? Do you worry that you are inadequate for all that homeschooling requires of you? Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night plagued by the long list of important things that still need to be done—and know there will never be enough time in the day to accomplish them? In this session, we will discuss five areas that pose particular challenges to homeschool moms and be reminded that He always holds us in the palm of His hand. Join Zan and be encouraged by God’s promises of hope, strength, power, and help for those of us who are weary and imperfect. Handout:

Topics: Encouragement

You’re not just your teen’s teacher; you’re also his guidance counselor! Find out how to maneuver through the entire college admissions process—from narrowing down the selection of colleges to filling out college applications, applying for financial aid, and asking the right questions that will help you discern whether your teen is spiritually, academically, and emotionally prepared for college. Handout:

Topics: High school

Too often men in our age take on the tasks of husband, father, shepherd, principal, coach, and disciplinarian without the vision necessary to accomplish the goal. (What is the goal, anyway?) In this seminar we will define the goal and discover the divinely appointed means of achieving it. You may even learn the secret to making your wife deliriously happy, your home a quiet and peaceful kingdom, your children rich beyond measure, and your father-in-law in awe of your great accomplishments. Come join us in our discussion of the homeschool husband and dad.

Topics: VisionFathers