Recordings Listing
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 2 through 3, 2017
2017 CHOIS Convention
Presented by: Homeschool Idaho

Set Price: $80.00
The Complete Set of 2017 Recordings
This contains all recordings from the 2017 CHOIS Convention.
Set Price: $30.00
2017 CHOIS Teen Program
This contains all recordings from the 2017 CHOIS Teen Program.
Jun. 2, 2017
Standing for faith, family, and freedom requires strength and courage. At a time in our history when this is more important than ever before, homeschooling families are living very strong and courageous lives. The Hebrew word for strong in the Old Testament is a verb meaning decisive action. It also means encouragement. The idea communicated is that we have the courage to act to take on the challenge, which often occurs when we are facing something that seems impossible or has great risk if we fail. In this keynote address, we will look at how God calls us to accomplish the impossible and how homeschooling parents and students have succeeded as leaders in their homes, communities, and our nation. You will be encouraged in your calling as a parent and leader, and we’ll be reminded that as believers we can be a strong and courageous people.
Jun. 2, 2017
Jessica Hulcy, speaks frankly and transparently about her journey of homeschooling and life with marvelous triumphs and glorious victories and agonizing priority losses that netted damaging consequences. This is a testimony of God’s amazing love and care for each of HIS chosen believers to not lose sight of what The God of the Universe requires of each of us.
Jun. 3, 2017
Keynote - Bearing Witness - Show More
The story that must be told about the view from the front lines as God delivered homeschoolers in Idaho from incarceration to their unlikely “Promised Land” of liberty.
Jun. 3, 2017
Jessica Hulcy gives a stirring rendition of men in history that stayed the course and impacted history. But how could just an average homeschooling mom impact history…. especially a tired mom who is wondering if she should continue in this present calling of homeschooling? Jessica shares numerous personal experiences and stories from her own life where the benefits and rewards of homeschoolers were clearly revealed to her, prompting her to stay her course. Jessica will not only help you see how immensely important your job really is, but she will inspire you to “stay the course!”
Jun. 2, 2017
Many homeschoolers confess that the most difficult thing for the homeschooling family is to balance all the responsibilities the family has. This workshop will approach this challenge from a strictly biblical perspective. Mike Smith will explain that the key to solving the time crunch is establishing priorities, and how to carry out those priorities. This is an essential workshop. Lives will be changed, schedules will be met, and families, many for the first time, will go through days, months and years without the frustration of feeling like a failure because you have not accomplished your goals and objectives.
Jun. 2, 2017
What inside tips would a teacher and a home schooling mom/teacher of 30+ years share with moms just beginning to home school? Come hear Jessica Hulcy share her wealth of practical advice and information in her hilarious Jessica-style on what she personally recommends young moms do and not do when they begin homeschooling. Be enlightened and encouraged and entertained…all at the same time!
Working with a reluctant writer? Wanting to inspire a resilient one? This workshop helps you become an effective writing coach and ally to your children through understanding the writing process. Julie first explores the relationship between how professional writers teach writing and how educators typically instruct students, then looks at the tactics that work—empowering you to sustain and enhance your relationship with your kids while they learn to write. The end result? An eight-week writing plan you can implement right away!
Jun. 2, 2017
This is for your ‘puzzling child’. Is it just a maturity issue, or is something else going on? If you have a bright, hardworking child who has to work too hard to learn, he is telling you that one or more of his Four Learning Gates is blocked. Using a diagnostic checklist of symptoms, you can easily pinpoint which of your child’s gates are blocked. Learn how to be your own diagnostician using a checklist of symptoms, and then learn the necessary interventions. This can be done by the parents at home. It doesn’t have to be so hard for your child! Find out specifically how the brain processes information, and where that processing can break down. You will learn things you have never heard of before in a Homeschool workshop.
Jun. 2, 2017
Connecting with our child’s heart is vital to a successful parenting and homeschool experience. Elizabeth will share some vital ways to nurture this all-important relationship. Her mini-quiz will help you evaluate where you are as a parent connecting with your child’s heart to heart.
Jun. 2, 2017
If you’ve ever wondered how to design a high school course of study, evaluate the results, develop a transcript or award a diploma, this is the workshop for you. Linda will attempt to cover all of these subjects and more in one quick hour.
Jun. 2, 2017
Life and death is in the power of tongue. Deep scars can occur as a result of negative, condemning words and withholding of praise and affirmation. The goal of this talk is to ensure that our children do not grow up feeling rejection from us as parents because of bad communication. This talk uses James 3:1–10 as a model for how we use words to edify and build up rather than to tear down. The talk will explore some ways that we use our tongue to injure our children and how we can use our tongue as an instrument of blessing. The talk’s goal is to develop a relationship with our child that lasts forever.
Jun. 2, 2017
Jessica Hulcy, is a master teacher who wants to show moms how to avoid the most common pit fall of homeschooling…that of teaching subjects and curriculum instead of teaching individual children. Join Jessica as she not only shares teaching techniques and tips, but also pulls parents from the audience to demonstrate how to teach so children love learning and retain forever what they learned. It is all about creating memories that last forever.
Jun. 2, 2017
Your child struggles to get words on the page, yet you feel guilty about offering help. Is it cheating to do the handwriting for him? Shouldn’t you hold back and not interfere with her work? When your child revises a draft, is it okay for you, the parent, to make suggestions or contribute sentences and ideas? What do you do if your child “borrows” original material from another source and passes it off as his own? Partnership Writing is more than transcribing your child’s oral narratives. Partnering with your child in writing means to model, support and guide the writing process by supplying the appropriate amount of help to the evident level of need. Julie explores ways you can partner with your child from kindergarten all the way through the academic writing life of a high schooler. Don’t miss this essential workshop that transforms how you develop your writing-editing partnership with all of your children. Partnership Writing is the most overlooked stage of development in the natural stages of growth in writing. Learn how to be that partner your child needs and deserves.
Jun. 2, 2017
Half of the population is right brain dominant, and half is left brain dominant. You may have a right brain learner in your midst! These wonderful children learn in a different manner than their left brain siblings. If you have a child who does not “like’” school work no matter what you do, you will learn much in this workshop. You will learn how to identify the right brain child and learn many simple teaching techniques, such as Right Brain Spelling (making the words “stick instead of slip”) and Right Brain Reading. (As a bonus, you will also understand your spouse better, since we tend to marry the opposite hemisphere…God’s sense of humor!) By using a totally different strategy, we consistently see a two-year gain in reading and spelling in one year! Parents say, “I can’t believe it, but my child asks to do spelling now.”
Jun. 2, 2017
The early years before children begin formal education is the time to teach them that learning is fun and interesting. Elizabeth will present informal reading and math “lessons” that not only teach, but help transition mom into their first teacher. Learning to take advantage of teaching opportunities and apply wisdom to the education process will help insure that our little ones will love learning and move easily into formal academics.
Jun. 2, 2017
The battle for the next generation is fought on the field of education. Join Mike Riddle as he shares three truths from the Bible about education. Not only will you be equipped for battle, but you will be trained to aim right for the heart of the issue. During this workshop you will gain a plan of action for a winning strategy with The Big Five, and leave knowing the greatest teaching method of all.
Jun. 2, 2017
Why aren’t your Christian neighbors homeschooling? What is the number one reason that parents do not homeschool? Their lack of confidence to believe that they can actually do the job, or, put another way—fear of failure. Many homeschoolers in the midst of homeschooling are wondering how they will be able to determine whether they are successful or not with their children. Mike will explain in very clear and decisive terms how you can know whether or not you have been successful when you get to the end of your homeschool experience where it says “The End.” One way to answer the question is whether or not our work homeschooling with our children has been in vain. The Bible gives clear and decisive direction in this area which should be very encouraging to all of us, and hopefully give us encouragement in even the most difficult situations.
Jun. 2, 2017
Scientific evidence supports discovery learning as one of the primary keys to developing critical thinking skills in children. Showing professional video footage of her teaching a group of five to seven-year-olds, Jessica Hulcy, demonstrates how easy it is for parents to employ discovery techniques allowing them to break out of the “tell and regurgitate” rut so many parents find themselves locked into. Critical thinking techniques can and should be applied at all levels of learning and in all subjects to produce thinking adults.
Jun. 2, 2017
When should my student learn to write an essay? Shall I teach the research paper? What if I’ve neglected writing until now? Is it too late? This session deals specifically with all the dynamics of high school writing: The necessary formats, the timing of that instruction, how you can effectively prepare your son or daughter for college and how to evaluate the work they do. Don’t despair! It’s not too late, and you are the right person for the job!
Jun. 2, 2017
If you have a child who groans and fusses about writing, or still writes reversals, or spells a word orally correctly but leaves out letters when he writes, this workshop is for you! This child’s math papers are often hard to read because the numbers are lined up so poorly! These children are often thought of as sloppy, lazy, or unmotivated when they really have a writing glitch. They are using way too much energy for the writing process, so they are reluctant to put pencil to paper for anything. This often is a true Dysgraphia. The writing learning gate is the most common gate that is blocked with gifted kids. They know so much, but just can’t get their thoughts down in writing because of this blocked learning gate. In this workshop you will be shown a daily exercise you can do with your child to get the writing into his “automatic” brain hemisphere, and take the stress out of his writing system.
Jun. 2, 2017
When should I start preschool at home? What does my preschooler need to know? How much time should we spend doing educational activities? Is preschool even important?!? This workshop will answer all of these questions and more. We’ll first focus on understanding the cognitive `and physical development of preschoolers, and then explore practical teaching methods, tools and activities that will lay the foundation for future learning.
As a home educator, how do you define success? What principles do you use in writing your own job description? Join Mike Riddle as he discusses Christian education, the critical starting point of education, the highest form of learning, and more.
Jun. 3, 2017
Have any of your children demonstrated a tendency toward anger or a bad temper? If so, this session is absolutely essential for you. Anger is a God-given emotion and did not come about as a result of the fall. However, the Bible says, “Be angry, and sin not.” This talk addresses anger from a biblical perspective, focusing on the positive and negative aspects of anger. Michael Smith also delineates the five steps that lead to rebellion.
Jun. 3, 2017
The Enchanted Education - Show More
We all have one: that imagined dream homeschool where our children are relaxed, where we are at ease, where learning happens naturally and everyone gets along. Sometimes it seems as though a fantasy homeschool is a dream, never a reality. Yet what if you could create momentum in your homeschool? What if once a month or once a week, you shifted how you saw your life at home and took the risks necessary to foster the home education you long for? This session reveals the principles you need and the practical steps you take that protect you from too much risk but empowers you to trust your hunches and transform your dearest aspirations into reality.
Jun. 3, 2017
Many people think that some are just born with a “photographic memory”. But we now know that this amazing ability can be easily taught. Teach your children the lifelong skill of studying for tests by taking a picture of the contents of a chapter. For some children, math is a monster! They hate it and always feel dumb when doing it. These children have difficulty learning math facts. They tend to do poorly on tests, because they “forget” how to do the math processes. Your child will finally be able to pass the math tests and go on to the higher math courses using right brain math. No curriculum to purchase… just fast, effective, right brain strategies to use at home to reduce math frustration and tears! So many moms report that their child now likes math. These powerful visual memory techniques work with all types of learners, and can be a God-send for a child who has an auditory processing glitch.
Jun. 3, 2017
If we want our home school years to be successful, we must build a quality family life and healthy marriage that will serve as a model for our children’s future relationships. This session focuses on how to make this happen. Included are “Ten Tips for Wives” and “What Wives Wish Their Husband’s Knew About Homeschooling.”
Jun. 3, 2017
Join Linda Lacour Hobar to discover what happens when Bible history and world history meet face to face – literally! Through stories, activities, literature, and much more, watch His-story unfold on one seamless, thought-provoking timeline.
Jun. 3, 2017
Almost every father has heard that he is to lead his family spiritually, physically, and in every other way. However, many fathers will tell you that no one has ever told them how to effectively lead their children, especially in the area of spiritual development. Michael Smith presents encouraging and practical tips to fathers for becoming a helpful participant in the home education program and a leader in the home. He provides insight on the mental and emotional benefits to mothers and children fathers can provide through specific activities, and offers suggestions to men on being more effective as husbands. Mike candidly shares his many failures and a few successes. The session concludes with a list of the six things homeschooling mothers have identified as the primary ways their husbands can be more effective in the family’s homeschool program. In one father’s words, “Inspiring and convicting—thanks for the straight talk!”
Jun. 3, 2017
Jessica Hulcy has been teaching homeschool for 30+ years and still claims to be sane! She credits multi-level teaching with allowing her to teach as much as possible to all her children at one time thereby keeping her sanity while also building family togetherness. Jessica will show actual video footage of her teaching her boys using the unit method to effectively impart knowledge to children of varying ages at the same time…challenging the oldest yet not frustrating the youngest.
Jun. 3, 2017
The best way to cultivate writing in your home is to create a language-rich environment. Julie explores the role of nature study, art appreciation, film, poetry, literature and word play in the development of great writers. She looks at the concept of “party school” –how to research a report and turn it into a party! Don’t miss this workshop. It brings the “home“ back into your homeschool. Promise!
Jun. 3, 2017
Can a child who is unable to read or who tests two or more years behind in reading be “caught up” in reading at home? YES! Using the unique “imbedding” method of teaching, your child will make great leaps as the left brain (data hemisphere) and the right brain (visual hemisphere) are taught as a unit. Dianne Craft used this unique method in her Resource Room, working with bright, hard-working teens and kids who were reading two and more years behind. Eliminate reading blocks. The BIG DIFFERENCE in these lessons is that traditional methods of teaching are put aside. No workbooks. No writing. No memorizing. Instead, you will be showing your child how to use his strong Photographic Memory for easy retention. Your child will love this method, because he/she will have instant success.
Jun. 3, 2017
Research from the Barna Group says that only nine percent of born-again Christians actually have a Christian worldview. Because the world is full of competing worldviews, our children can easily become confused. For that matter, so can adults. In this session, learn the ten facets that make up a worldview, and what the bible has to say about them. You’ll get a framework for teaching worldview and examples of activities you can use. After all, as Christian homeschoolers, we need to guard against being “taken captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” (Colossians 2:8)
Jun. 3, 2017
This fast paced session is filled with real life stories on how one person can change their community, state and nation. This session will motivate, equip, and encourage you with six ways to influence the people you help elect to office. Gain information on writing press releases, letters to the editor, and tips for dealing with the media. For students of all ages, this is a great supplement to your regular civics or government program.
Jun. 3, 2017
Parental rights and religious freedom have been the two foundations to establish a constitutional right for parents to teach their children at home. The U.S. Supreme Court some years back weakened the free exercise of religion claim as a foundation for homeschooling so that in order for homeschoolers to claim a fundamental right to homeschool, they must be able to combine the free exercise right with the parental rights claim. In other words, both rights have to co—exist. Currently, this is not a problem, but because of the fragile nature of freedom, moral decay, complacency and apathy, homeschooling freedoms are in jeopardy. An additional threat that is brewing but not well known, is the opposition to homeschooling from the intellectual elites, e.g., law and college professors. This opposition is based on a belief that the state, through public schools, should have access to all children to teach tolerance for others, which leads to collectivism. Homeschoolers are in their cross—hairs. We are clearly at risk.
Jun. 3, 2017
Our children come into this world with a will of their own, and the battle begins. Our task is to train them to follow Christ and develop into productive adults. If we use instruction and discipline correctly they will respond positively to our parenting. This session tells how to direct the will through consistent and loving training while nurturing a loving relationships between parent and child.
Jun. 3, 2017
We all love dear Charlotte, but let’s face it. She didn’t have to contend with video games, Netflix, or cheap Van Gogh prints in McDonald’s restaurants. Moreover, the world has changed in a century. How do we translate all the good in her thinking and educational philosophy into a robust, technologically-current, globalized educational model that she’d applaud today? This seminar calls for an update—can we be brave enough to expand on Miss Mason’s fabulous, child-oriented, expansive vision of education? The answer is, “Yes, we can.”
Jun. 3, 2017
The Biology of Behavior - Show More
Johnny is a constant motion machine. Tom cries in frustration over minor matters. Susie forgets what she has just learned. According to Dr. Sydney Walker, children tend to “act how they feel”. This fascinating workshop provides you with clues to your child’s brain/body chemistry. William Crook, MD, has found that over 85% of children who suffer with Sensory Processing Disorders or attention or mood disorders when older have experienced multiple ear infections as a young child. Untreated, these children often go on to have many hidden food allergies and asthma. It is easy to correct these imbalances at home and dramatically affect your child’s learning day.
Jun. 3, 2017
Let’s pretend that Mary and Martha decide to homeschool. Following their character, Martha would probably have all her plans in place (and be frustrated), and Mary would probably be at the feet of Jesus (and way behind schedule.) We all have a little of Mary and Martha in us, but this workshop is designed to encourage Mary’s who love the Lord and their children, but need help and structure to successfully homeschool. The presenter of this workshop is a self-proclaimed Mary who managed to homeschool for 17 years, and still likes to talk about it.
Jun. 3, 2017
All you really wanted to do was homeschool your own children, but now you find you are the leader of a homeschool support group. It has been said that leading homeschoolers is like trying to herd cats. How do you get members to sign up to do the newsletter and run the field trips? As a matter of fact, how do you get members to even attend the meetings? How can you share the vision of homeschooling with people who have no vision? Listen as Jessica shares how she has used the concept of team, hospitality, and shoes….yes, shoes to help build a support group that goes beyond support group to establish a community of homeschoolers who serve each other.
Jun. 2, 2017
Through abounding stories of good and evil, world history has the power to disturb our souls or inspire our hearts! Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, for an insightful look at unleashing the power of world history to stir hearts of all ages toward the truths of the Gospel.
Jun. 2, 2017
Planning to teach ancient history? Need help integrating the Bible? Listen to Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, as she takes you from Creation to the birth of Christ in about one hour – shaping Biblical and secular history into one amazing timeline with portraits of King Tut, King David, Nebuchadnezzar, Buddha, Cleopatra, and more. Like pieces of a mosaic, learn of the major events in ancient history that together portray the beautiful story of Christ revealing Himself to mankind.
Jun. 2, 2017
Conquering the Middle Ages - Show More
From Pentecost to the printing press, listen to Linda Lacour Hobar author of The Mystery of History pull together stories to enable a better understanding of the Early Church and the tumultuous Middle Ages. Through Paul, Constantine, and Marco Polo, as well as Mohammed, William the Conqueror, and John Wycliffe, learn of the triumph and the tragedies of medieval times and how they relate to our world today. This session is designed to inspire and equip students of all ages.
Jun. 2, 2017
Need a prep course on the Renaissance and Reformation? Listen to Linda Lacour Hobar, author of The Mystery of History, as she introduces the extraordinary artists who made the Renaissance famous – and the bold Reformers who shaped the world of Christendom. This session aims to equip and inspire educators, parents, and students.
Jun. 2, 2017
Want to better understand the headlines? Need to study modern history at home? Then you should attend “Modern History That Shook the World!” Join Linda Lacour Hobar, author of the award-winning series, The Mystery of History, as she recounts world-shaking events from the 20th century to present time from a biblical worldview. With vivid snapshots of the Cold War, the Formation of Israel, the War in Korea, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Fall of the Berlin Wall, and much more, students and teachers will not only be challenged to understand the past, but be better equipped to interpret today’s news and make stronger leaders for tomorrow. Don’t miss this fast-paced, fact-filled, fifty-five minutes of modern history!
Jun. 3, 2017
Dinosaurs have fascinated man ever since the first fossil was discovered. In this workshop, Mike Riddle will answer four important questions. Where did these mighty beasts come from? When did they live, and what happened to them? Are they mentioned in the Bible?
Jun. 3, 2017
Critical Thinking Skills - Show More
Proponents of evolution often apply intimidating techniques in discussion and debate. Join Mike Riddle as he demonstrates how to employ critical thinking skills for disarming the arguments of evolutionists. You will be equipped with three critical thinking questions, The Power Question, and will also learn how to identify red-flag words.
If you’ve ever wondered about the age of the earth and how it relates to the Bible, then this workshop, presented by Mike Riddle, is just for you. Using hermeneutics and the rules of interpretation, Mike will explain the meaning of “day” as it is used in various Scripture passages.
Where did matter come from to create the universe? How did life originate? Join Mike Riddle as he addresses these two power questions and applies critical thinking in finding the answers. In this workshop you’ll be equipped to make logical deductions for reasonable beliefs.
Jun. 3, 2017
Join Mike Riddle as he walks through the history of our freedom. Mike is a Retired US Marine. He brings enthusiasm and respect for God's plan for our country down through the decades. This presentation is rich in video clips and animation - audio is the only thing that is recorded.