Recordings Listing


Lancaster, PA
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 2 through 3, 2017

PA-2017 With Grace to Complete the Race

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

In light of the fact that 66% of college students change their majors more than once and on the day of graduation 40% of college graduates wish they had a different major, it’s important to start early and take this decision seriously. Individuals often make decisions without much thought and with limited information. When it comes to choosing a college, major, or career there are many options and things to consider. With universities spending a lot of money to recruit students, there are five essential questions that need to be asked, and there are five activities that your children can start doing today and throughout their education that will pay big dividends after graduation, helping them to progress into adulthood.

Firmly rooted in the belief that God gives instruction in Scripture on child training and the Holy Spirit empowers parents by His grace to carry out the instructions, you will hear a Biblical perspective on parenting. After raising 5 boys to men and investing 26 consecutive years into homeschooling you’ll learn 2 keys for successful parenting and 4 basic principles with 17 practical applications.