Recordings Listing
Friday & Saturday
Jul. 22 through 23, 2016
OR-2016 Growing in Wisdom and Stature
Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association NetworkSet Price: $125.00
2016 Complete Conference
When you purchase the complete conference set you can download any or all of the messages available so that you can take them with you and listen on your phone, personal device or home computer. Move several to a USB drive to listen in your car. Each message stands alone, so download the ones you want and leave the ones that don't apply. One economical price (almost 60% off) buys the entire conference.
Handouts for select sessions can be found at
Jul. 22, 2016
Our own relationship with God will color and affect our relationship with our spouse and our children. Setting aside time to deepen our walk with God and revel in His grace will bear fruit in how we relate to those who are most important to us.
The handout for this session is available at
Homeschooling is hard, parenting is hard, and marriage…well, that’s way hard. And that’s OK and even normal. The trouble is we don’t like hard. We want easy, fast, and cheap, and at the same time we want successful results. During this hour, you’ll laugh with Todd as he shares how to embrace the hardness while keeping your eye on the joy and experience God’s best for you.
Jul. 22, 2016
The second command is to love others as we want to be loved. But the ‘new commandment’ that Jesus calls us to implement is to love others as we have been loved by Him. This is a different perspective that focuses our attention on Jesus Himself and how He has loved us.
The handout for this session is available at
Jul. 23, 2016
Beginning with a history of education in the United States, Linda takes her audience through the effects and outcomes of following, or turning away from, God’s plan for schooling. The Scriptures are rich with wisdom and support for the duty of educating your children at home. Come and discover your real purpose for doing what you’re doing. Learn where your strength must come from and be reassured that you can stand on God’s promises for your children. God will never give you more than you can handle with His help!
Are you convinced that every homeschooling family except yours is great? Do you believe the lie that others are more organized, better prepared, have smarter kids, are wiser parents, and have a child in the national spelling bee? Well, let me set the record straight...that's not the way it is! The truth is most moms feel inadequate. Homeschooling moms fear that they're letting their kids down in their education and in example. They feel like their house is out of control, their children are beasts, and the sizzle has left their marriages. Join us as we unleash the power in being REAL. You’ll never be the same again.
Jul. 22, 2016
Young homeschooling families are pulled in many directions as they consider all the activities, demands, and responsibilities that raising a family can bring. We’ll take a look at how husbands and wives can work as a team to navigate priorities, homeschooling, and daily life together, establishing a Christ-centered home as they raise their children for the Lord.
Where and how does one begin this journey called home education? Homeschooling doesn't have to be overwhelming or fearful. Come explore some simple tips to help you navigate the uncharted waters of the beginning years.
Jul. 23, 2016
Mr. Karman is the founder of the OCEANetwork. He has lived through many changes. None of these have more effect on your rights to homeschooling than those we are seeing today. In the world every man's way is right in his own eyes. (Prov 21) The climate of Christian home education has changed. The warming that we see is the heat of hostility towards God’s plan. How long will the truth be permitted to be taught in your home or your homeschool? Is the truth worth fighting for?
Jul. 23, 2016
This workshop is Steve’s testimony of the last twenty-five years as the father of a child with special needs. He shares what his family has learned as a result of Johnny’s disability, and the special, rewarding, and joyful role he has played in their lives. Even in the difficult experiences of life, God proved faithful. His grace sustained them and brought good out of their struggles and disappointments.
The handout for this session is available at
Jul. 23, 2016
Where are you in your homeschool journey? Just beginning, in the middle, or near the end? The end does come, believe it or not, quicker than you expect. Anne will encourage those at every stage of the journey to look at the "big picture" and not get bogged down with the details. The lessons parents learn, as they teach their children, will go with them the rest of their lives.
Are you in the thick of childrearing? Are your days long and exhausting? Join Joyce as she reminds us that the love we pour out to our children is not lost in the moment of time. We are building within them an eternal heritage.