Recordings Listing


Baton Rouge / Baker - Louisiana
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 17 through 18, 2015

2015 CHEF of Louisiana Homeschool & Parenting Convention - Raising the Next Generation

Presented by: Homeschool Louisiana

Most purity resources these days focus on girls, but purity tends to be a much bigger problem for young men and many seem hopelessly naïve about the battles our sons are facing. Today’s young men grow up with challenges to their purity on every side. In a time when over 90% of teens have been exposed to internet pornography, how can we teach our boys to keep their way pure? What can we do when temptation is lurking on friends' phones and beckons are just a click away? How can we give them a Biblical context for sexuality—from their toddler years to adulthood? Come hear the parents of six sons give you frank, practical advice on raising your son to be a virtuous knight.

Everyone says homeschooling is a lifestyle, not just an educational choice. If so, then why are we surprised when it affects our marriage? Come to this funny and practical session to find out how wives can have something left for their husbands by the end of the day, and how husbands can understand the burdens their wives face. Let’s make sure homeschooling makes our marriages stronger - and more fun, too!