Recordings Listing


Bismarck Event Center
Thursday - Saturday
Feb. 6 through 8, 2025

2025 NDHSA Convention- 40 Years of Fighting For Homeschool Freedom

Presented by: North Dakota Home School Association
Recording ID: 25-1000
Original Price: $129.50
Set Price: $120.00

Complete 2025 NDHSA Convention

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Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 25-00Homeschooling: A God Centered Revival That begins in Your Living Room by: Zan Tyler, Joe Tyler25-01Marriage Lessons From Real Life by: Zan Tyler, Joe Tyler25-02Ten Lessons I learned on the Way to Jail: Empowering You and Your Kids to Stand for Freedom by: Zan Tyler25-11 Raising Children With a Biblical Worldview in a Hostile World by: Zan Tyler25-12Getting Started Homeschooling in North Dakota by: Theresa Deckert25-13What's Your Story by: Nancy Bjorkman25-14Creation Philosophy in Evangelism by: Brian Young25-15Midwife Panel - Home Birth and Midwifery 101 by: 25-21The Unexpected Adventure of Serving Others by: Zan Tyler25-22The Impact of Social Media on Our Daughters by: Joe Tyler25-23Special Needs: Social Skills for Every Child by: Lori Wentz25-24Mount Saint Helens by: Brian Young25-25Homeschooling 101 by: Jared Dodd25-31Overcoming Homeschool Burnout by: Zan Tyler25-32Homeschooling High School: Navigating the Social Minefield of High School by: Llora Knight25-33Going Through the Change: From Full House to Empty Nest by: Carrie Woodruff, Heather Schwartz25-34Amazing Animals: Evidence of Divine Design by: Brian Young25-35The Power of the Meal Table by: Jared Dodd25-41Raising G-Rated Sons in an R-Rated World - For Men Only by: Joe Tyler25-42Approaching Additional Learning Needs from a Neuro-educational Perspective: Tools, Resources, and Prayer in Your Homeschool by: Karen Cameron-Friesen25-43Math Outside the Book by: Nancy Bjorkman25-44Time Before Noah by: Brian Young25-45The Story of Liberty by: Jared Dodd25-51Making an Impact: The Vision of a Homeschool Dad & Husband by: Joe Tyler25-52Sound of Hope: A Discussion of Foster Care and Adoption by: Lori Kenney, Kristin Durham25-53Meal Management in an Age of Fast Food by: Nancy Bjorkman25-54Bible Contradictions: Unveiling the Truth by: Brian Young25-55The Christian Life by: Jared Dodd25-61Running the Homeschool Marathon: Ten Training Tips by: Zan Tyler25-62Play More by: Seann Dikkers25-63Engaging Early Learners by: Nancy Bjorkman25-64Pharaohs of the Bible: Unearthing the Truth in Egyptian Records by: Brian Young25-65Rites of Passage by: Jared Dodd25-71The Power of Positive Words and Conversation by: Zan Tyler25-72Homeschooling High School: Preparing Your High Schooler for the Next Step by: Llora Knight25-73Language Arts in the Real World by: Nancy Bjorkman25-74ASVAB, Scholarships, & Careers by: Dennis Zmija, Jackie Zuiderhof This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

Answering God’s call to teach your children at home can be exciting at first, but it’s easy to lose sight of the vision when you find yourself overwhelmed by the demands of the homeschooling life: teaching phonics, preparing transcripts, refereeing fights, and—oh, by the way—making dinner too. But in the midst of the madness, we must constantly remind ourselves that our work matters because we’re building God’s kingdom! Come hear Zan Tyler share from history and God’s Word. And catch a glimpse of how God is using your family—and the homeschool movement—to usher in spiritual, educational, and family revival in our nation.

ID: 25-01
Feb. 7, 2025

Zan was Joe’s best friend and ministry partner in college. He loved her and wanted to know how she felt about him. Even though they had never dated, Joe proposed out of the blue during their junior year—and Zan didn’t speak to him for a month! In spite of this rocky start, the Tylers have thoroughly enjoyed more than 40 years of marriage. They’ve experienced abundant joys and triumphs and have weathered many storms. Among Joe’s responsibilities at home, he is in charge of attitude adjustments and comic relief. Zan says, “Being able to laugh through the years has helped me survive things like threats of jail, the pressures of homeschooling, and the stress of life in general!” Enjoy this refreshing session of laughter and encouragement as Joe and Zan share candidly about the ups and downs of married life—including their biggest fight ever—while focusing on principles that have served to form the unshakeable foundation of their marriage. You’ll learn how embracing the magnificent biblical vision of marriage is the key to a vibrant relationship

When Zan Tyler was threatened with jail in 1984 for teaching her son at home, she was forced to count the costs of homeschooling and decide if it was really worth it. Zan learned powerful lessons about fighting for freedom, family, and faith—lessons we need again today! Our nation is at a crossroads where the liberties we’ve often taken for granted are at stake. We are one lawsuit, bad law, or treaty away from seeing our right to homeschool erode, and we must all work to preserve our freedoms while intentionally raising up a new generation of freedom fighters. This session will encourage and equip you with powerful principles to share with your children and teens.

Our children live in the midst of a secular, anti-Christian culture, facing issues and moral dilemmas we never had to deal with at their age. Meanwhile, startling numbers of young adults raised in evangelical homes are abandoning their faith. Training our children with a strong biblical worldview and deep spiritual roots is crucial to our mission as Christian parents and is one of the most important gifts we can give them. In this workshop you will gain insight on teaching your children how to think biblically about all areas of life, including academics. This will equip them to become powerful, faith-filled thinkers and leaders who can stand firm in the face of skepticism and opposition.

Mrs. Deckert will cover the North Dakota requirements for homeschooling. She will also give practical hints including suggestions for lesson planning and record keeping. This is the place to start if you are just beginning the home education journey or are just “checking it out.”

ID: 25-13
Feb. 7, 2025

We don’t often consider that figures from history, whose lives and accomplishments inspire and teach us today, were just ordinary people. It is likely they did not think they were “making history”. In this workshop Nancy will remind us of how God is using even the most routine parts of our lives to write a story of His goodness and provision that we can and should share with our children and future generations. It will include encouraging stories from the lives of the Bjorkman family as God has carried them through both good times and hardship in their 40+ years of marriage and over 30 years of homeschooling experience. It will change your perspective on day-to-day life which may never seem “ordinary” again.

ID: 25-14
Feb. 7, 2025

Many people believe creation is just a side issue to Christianity, not realizing that without creation and a young earth, Jesus becomes meaningless. See how street evangelism reflects the false gospel that has been preached by most churches today. The ungodly view this world and the Bible differently than the Godly do, and you will see how creation is the number one reason for this. Find out how to effectively witness. If this doesn't light your fire for evangelism, your wood is really wet.

ID: 25-15
Feb. 7, 2025

Curious about home birth? Come with your questions and be prepared to learn from experienced midwives. Mari Hoverson moderating.

ID: 25-21
Feb. 7, 2025

Do you want to energize your homeschool? Providing your children with creative opportunities to serve others is just what you need. In Zan’s 21 years of homeschooling, nothing amazed her more than the adventures and blessings her family encountered by serving others together. In this session, Zan Tyler will show you how to build service projects into your school days and everyday lives. She’ll also share practical service ideas. Be prepared to see your children come alive as they walk out the second most important command that God has given us by serving others in both small and big ways.

ID: 25-22
Feb. 7, 2025

We are witnessing an alarming rise in the rates of depression and suicidal tendencies among teenage girls today. Is social media to blame? Join Joe Tyler as he takes a deep dive into the world of social media, examining the challenges that young girls face including body image issues, cyberbullying, and unrealistic beauty standards. With constant connectivity to smart phones, the threats of social media are lurking everywhere, even in places as seemingly innocent as chatrooms in Bible apps. Now is the time to help your daughters develop a biblical self-image, a vibrant faith, and practical strategies for successfully navigating the dangers of the digital age.

Social skills are important for all children to have in order to navigate our world. Let’s talk about coping strategies to learn to handle transitions and social conflicts with peers. Plus, we can strategize ways to promote friendship opportunities for all of our children.

ID: 25-24
Feb. 7, 2025

See explosive evidence for creation that blows evolution out of the water and hear how this event still speaks to us today, both to encourage and warn us of coming judgments.

ID: 25-25
Feb. 7, 2025

New to homeschooling? Looking for some practical tips? In this talk, Jared Dodd will discuss various ways to accomplish victory in home education, while at the same time reinforcing the biblical principles that must be present.

ID: 25-31
Feb. 7, 2025

Homeschooling is demanding, and expectations—both our own and others’—can be a weighty burden. This often sets us up for intense feelings of failure and disappointment, especially when things don’t go according to plan. Even when we’re doing our best to follow God and love our families, we may suddenly find ourselves in the “fiery furnace” like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Join Zan Tyler for a refreshing talk that will set you free. We’ll cover what causes burnout, how to recover from it, and best of all, consider some simple but strategic steps to prevent burnout from happening.

*Note: The speaker booked to present this workshop was unable to attend, Llora Knight was able to substitute. We took homeschooling one year at a time. Then before we realized it, we had six kids in high school—maneuvering, dodging, coaching, and organizing many facets of their high school extracurricular and social lives. The pull and pressure felt from church, homeschool co-ops, private school, public school, and peers can be intimidating and overwhelming. We discovered how important it was to have a clear vision for our family and for each child we launched into God’s kingdom work. Join me as I share lessons learned (from both successes and failures) to help you in your important role as a homeschool high school teacher and parent.

Join Carrie & Heather, two seasoned and experienced homeschool moms, as they share tips and strategies to help maneuver the good, the bad, and the blessing of the empty nest.

Topics: Mothers
ID: 25-34
Feb. 7, 2025

Creation instructor, Brian Young, explores the animal kingdom, revealing the remarkable features of creatures like the giraffe, bombardier beetle, whale, dog, cuttlefish, and more. Discover how these intricate details and astonishing capabilities challenge evolution and highlight the Creator's hand. Through vivid examples and compelling arguments, Brian will showcase the natural world as a testament to the genius and power of Almighty God, inspiring awe and reinforcing belief in a divine creation.

ID: 25-35
Feb. 7, 2025

The meal table is very dear to God’s heart, and for a good reason. If you implement His heart and practice for the meal table, you will experience a blessing that will be carried out with your future progeny for generations to come.

Joe Tyler discusses the key issues dads face as we strive to instill a Christ-centered vision in our sons. Joe addresses the cultural pressures on our young men and shares practical advice for countering the culture and instilling a vision of purity in both our sons and daughters. Because of the frank and sensitive nature of this discussion, we request that only men attend.

Karen brings her experience as a parent of five (two with additional learning needs), a neuro-education specialist, and child of God, to help you experience more peace as you lead your children. Explore how brain health and the science of neuroplasticity can profoundly change overall wellness and success. Learn practical techniques you can incorporate into your day, explore innovative resources, and be inspired by the changes possible when improving brain health. By identifying and strengthening the weak cognitive functions that underlie specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia, or the effects of ADHD, anxiety, Autism, and brain injury or brain fog, people of any age can experience success across all areas of life, including social-emotional well-being.

ID: 25-43
Feb. 7, 2025

This interactive workshop will cover the why’s and how’s of using games to bring math to life and increase understanding in students. We’ll discuss how to use games to enhance any curriculum. We’ll then dive into a highly visual and interactive review of games to use for specific goals, e.g., understanding number basics, mastering basic math facts, grasping the base-ten system, using multiple operations, and more. Let’s play!

ID: 25-44
Feb. 7, 2025

Have you ever wondered how poeple could live to be 900 years old like the Bible tells us they did? Are we living in the same world today as Adam and Eve? These and many more questions will be answered as we explore the world before Noah.

ID: 25-45
Feb. 7, 2025

The early church, the Magna Carta, the Reformers, and men like John Wycliffe; these are all parts of the Story of Liberty. If we are going to appreciate and replicate the precious gift of freedom, we must rightly understand her story.

A mobile phone commercial features an NBA point guard trying to play basketball blindfolded. Because he can’t see the goal, he’s never sure if he’s scoring. Too often, men take on the multifaceted roles of husband, father, shepherd, principal, coach, and disciplinarian without the vision necessary to define and accomplish their ultimate goal. With humor and real-world examples, Joe Tyler helps you define the goal and shares how to discover the divinely appointed means of achieving it. You may even learn the secret to making your wife deliriously happy, turning your home into a peaceful kingdom, ensuring your children are successful beyond measure, and placing your father-in-law in awe of your great accomplishments. Join Joe for a robust discussion of what it really means to make an impact as a Christian husband and dad.

In this discussion, veteran foster and adoptive parents Lori Kenney and Kristin Durham will share their personal experiences and insights into the complex world of foster care and adoption. Drawing from their years of experience, they will guide us through key themes and scenes from the movie The Sound of Hope and discuss what can be learned from these real-life situations. The workshop is for individuals at any stage of the foster care or adoption process, whether they are just beginning to consider these paths or are already navigating the complexities of fostering or adopting children.

ID: 25-53
Feb. 8, 2025

Explore many ideas for managing the daily chore of feeding your family, including the benefits and methods for bulk cooking and several strategies for meal planning and preparation. Nancy will teach about the savings seen in time, energy, money, and stress levels, as well as the increased nutrition and enjoyment in sharing hospitality with others. We will then look at the how-to’s for getting it done and some of the resources available to get people on their way. Once you’ve tried it, you’ll wonder why you waited.

ID: 25-54
Feb. 8, 2025

Explore common claims of biblical contradictions and discover how a deeper understanding of Scripture reveals the Bible's inerrancy. Creation instructor, Brian will examine these supposed contradictions and demonstrate that they stem from a lack of knowledge, not flaws in the Bible. Equip yourself and your children with the confidence to defend and understand the flawless truth of God's Word.

ID: 25-55
Feb. 8, 2025

How would you define the Christian life? As our nation has more and more embraced a watered down gospel, it has led us to embracing a watered down Christian life. In this message you will discover a powerful, strategically clear, and biblical presentation of the Christian life that God has graciously offered to us in Christ.

Homeschooling is more like running a twenty-six mile marathon than a one-hundred yard dash. If you want to complete this race successfully, you must train in a way that builds strength, stamina, and vision and enables you to persevere until the end. Fellow homeschool-marathon runner Zan Tyler discusses lofty topics like how to create and sustain vision, but she also shares the down-to-earth need-to-know tips like pacing yourself, choosing curriculum, and developing homeschool mentors and friends. You’ll come away with a plan that will enable you to run with endurance the race that lies before you.

ID: 25-62
Feb. 8, 2025

It’s easy to recognize how valuable play is to our children. They love it! It is not so easy to convince ourselves that play is actually learning too.

ID: 25-63
Feb. 8, 2025

What should “school” look like for early learners? What things are developmentally appropriate for the younger ages? How do we keep our “Littles” appropriately occupied while homeschooling their siblings? This fun and informative session will provide a plethora of ideas specifically geared to engage your pre- and elementary-age children. Nancy will share resources, fun games, toddler tips, and easy activities, all designed to help parents think outside the box when it comes to “doing school.”

Delve into the fascinating intersections of biblical accounts and Egyptian history with Creation Instructor, Brian Young. Discover evidence of Joseph in Egyptian records, the Israelites in Egypt, and Pharaohs' interactions with Abraham, Moses, Josiah and more. Find out why this is a foundational subject for Christians as Brian will present archaeological findings supporting the Scriptures, challenging secular views, and emphasizing a Biblical worldview. Equip yourself with knowledge to teach your children the harmony between the Bible and historical evidence, reinforcing their faith.

ID: 25-65
Feb. 8, 2025

*Note: This room was experiencing technical issues with the projector and sound system. Approx. 5 minutes of the class was lost, but we were able to get it going again. Apologies for the inconvenience. The goal of every Christian parent is to raise their children to be men and women of God. (not mere boys and girls). In this message we discuss practical ways to implement the ancient tradition of Rites of Passage. For many families, this is the ultimate building block for the maturing of their children.

ID: 25-71
Feb. 8, 2025

Conversation is a potent tool that carries with it the power of life and death, and lays the foundation for deep and meaningful relationships. Conversation is an essential tool in discipling your children. Research even indicates that conversation increases intelligence in children and teens. In this workshop Zan Tyler reveals how you can utilize the simple—and free—tool of conversation to help your children become more motivated learners. Learn strategies you can take home and implement tomorrow to increase joy in learning and minimize conflict in your family, too. You’ll come away convinced that conversation IS core curriculum.

*Note: The original presenter for this workshop was unable to attend, this workshop was substituted by Llora Knight. Preparing your teen for their first steps out of your home is critical to their future success as a follower of Jesus Christ. We launched six children into the world, each one with completely different goals and aspirations. From college prep to apprentice opportunities, equipping your child with the tools to help them be successful is challenging and rewarding. I’ll share examples and lessons learned from our journey as well as leave time to hear from other veteran homeschoolers so you don’t feel alone in the critical mission to prepare your teen to launch.

ID: 25-73
Feb. 8, 2025

Get a fresh perspective on this subject that frequently frustrates or confuses homeschool parents. Gain insight into the natural sequence of language learning and explore developmentally appropriate tips and tools to enhance growth. We’ll discuss the stages that are input or output, what’s essential, and how to set goals for different seasons. Topics covered will include phonics, reading, penmanship, grammar, spelling, creative and formal writing, and literature.

What is the ASVAB and why is it important? The ASVAB is the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery. Even though the name implies it’s for the military, it’s so much more... It is an aptitude test that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success. It is the only comprehensive and completely FREE career planning resource that empowers students nationwide to align their strengths and interests with a post-secondary plan that works.