Recordings Listing


Candlelight Christian Fellowship, Coeur d' Alene, ID
Feb. 22 2025

2025 Homeschool Idaho North Conference: Called to Grow

Presented by: Homeschool Idaho
Recording ID: 25-N100
Original Price: $37.50
Set Price: $14.00

Complete set North Idaho 2025 Conference

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Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 25-N01Homeschool Idaho History and Legislative Update by: Aby Rinella25-N02Homeschooling Isn't the Answer by: Rachael Carman25-N03Beware the Worship of Ease by: Rachael Carman25-N04Affordable Homeschooling by: Aby Rinella25-N05Why Your Kid Will Quit Church by: Mark Martinez25-N06How to Die to Yourself and Live to Tell About It by: Rachael Carman25-N07The Health Benefits of Homeschool by: Aby Rinella25-N08Motherhood: Ministry in the Mundane by: Aby Rinella25-N09What the World Will Teach Your Children by: Sean Kacalek25-N10Deuteronomy 6 Revisited by: Rachael Carman This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.
ID: 25-N01
Feb. 22, 2025

In this informative short session, Aby Rinella will walk us through the homeschooling history of Idaho. The freedoms we enjoy that not long ago were illegal! Homeschool Idaho works tirelessly, keeping up with the law and legislation and work to keep Idaho homeschooling laws truly free!

ID: 25-N02
Feb. 22, 2025

Bummer isn’t it. Wouldn’t it be nice if homeschooling was the answer? I mean, wouldn’t it be nice if all of the problems in our families could be solved with good family time and top of the line curriculum? Wouldn’t it be great if all we had to do was adopt a certain daily schedule, read aloud certain books and follow a certain educational philosophy? Wouldn’t it be awesome if there were just a simple checklist of “To-do’s” each day that would guarantee success? Yes, it would, but alas, there’s not. However, there is an answer to all that ails us: the sin and death, the pain and misery. Come be reminded of the Answer and the hope it engenders.

Topics: Keynote
ID: 25-N03
Feb. 22, 2025

We’ve all heard the adage, “nothing is easy”, and it’s true. So why then do we use ‘ease’ as the determining factor in our life choices? As a culture we want dinner-making to be easy. We want house projects to be easy. We want relationships to be easy. We want our jobs to be easy. Look around, ‘easy’ seems to be a pretty high value today. But what about the Christian life? What about marriage? What about parenting? Are any of those easy? Could it be that our longing for easy is what keeps us from becoming the people, spouses, and parents that God has intended for us to be? God is calling, He’s inviting us to be a part of His plan to change the world. It won’t be easy, but it will be for His glory and our good. Let’s get to work together.

ID: 25-N04
Feb. 22, 2025

Ever feel like homeschooling is for those ‘blessed enough’ to afford it? Ever feel like you don’t have the financial resources to give your kids all the opportunities everyone else is giving their kids? Ever feel like if you just had a little more, your homeschool would be so much better? Come and learn tips and tricks to homeschool affordably and be reminded of the heart behind the Great Provider that has called us to this gig in the first place!

ID: 25-N05
Feb. 22, 2025

In this session, you will learn what research shows is the fallout rate of kids raised in church that eventually walk away. What the influences are, when does the disengagement begin, and what you can do to put the odds in your favor that your kids will not disengage from their faith.

Every day we are bombarded with messages that try to convince us that we are individually important. The basic theme is that we should seek self. It’s all a big lie, from the king of lies. We must shift our focus away from ourselves and on to our awesome and mighty God. The world is relentlessly pursuing peace and contentment that can only come from a life that is totally surrendered to Christ and His will. Come learn how this realization radically changed Rachael’s life, direction, and purpose. It can change yours too!

ID: 25-N07
Feb. 22, 2025

Most of us know that homeschooling has great academic benefits and is good for families, but did you know that the benefits of homeschooling go beyond reading, writing and arithmetic? In this session, you will learn how you can use your homeschool to grow strong, healthy kids: physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.

ID: 25-N08
Feb. 22, 2025

Lesson plans, diaper changes, times tables, and dinner...again! Do you ever catch yourself, during the mundane days of motherhood, dreaming of more? Do you feel like the daily demands of mom-life takes a certain strength that you just aren’t sure you have? Do you ever look around at all the other moms and wonder what you are missing? Then this session is for you! You are guaranteed to walk away encouraged, changed, and ready to rock your roll as a mom and to embrace your calling like never before.

Topics: Mothers
ID: 25-N09
Feb. 22, 2025

Sean Kacalek is a local homeschool Dad who passionately seeks to instill truth into the lives of his kids. He will share with you the pitfalls of letting culture take the reigns of showing your kids what to believe. From one Dad to another, the men's session (women can attend too!) will speak plainly to men about doing their best to uphold truth in their family.

Topics: Fathers
ID: 25-N10
Feb. 22, 2025

This passage is often used as the proof text for the homeschooling mandate. There are other verses that reinforce the importance of the family as the primary context for discipleship, but this one is the standard. Let’s take some time to look at it again, afresh and anew. We’re admonished in this passage to teach our children diligently, that’s the ‘how’. But what are we supposed to teach them? When? And why is it so important? Real cultural change begins in our homes. How about we determine to make a difference one family at a time.

Topics: Keynote