Recordings Listing
Thursday - Saturday
Jun. 13 through 15, 2024
PA-2024 Coming Together to Equip, To Encourage, To Endure
Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of PennsylvaniaSet Price: $125.00
The Complete 2024 CHAP Convention Set (Includes Special Needs)
You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the sessions from the 2024 Convention in Elizabethtown, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings--this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years--no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set. 6/15/2024
Set Price: $40.00
The 2024 Special Needs Conference Set
You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the sessions from the 2024 Special Needs Conference in Elizabethtown, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings--this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years--no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set.
Set Price: $19.00
The 2024 Getting Started Set
You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the Getting Started sessions from the 2024 Convention in Elizabethtown, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings--this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years--no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set.
Set Price: $18.00
The 2024 High School at Home Set
You have the ability to enjoy any or all of the High School at Home sessions from the 2024 Convention in Elizabethtown, PA. There is no need to order or purchase any individual recordings--this set has them all. The entire set remains in your account for three years--no need to download them and store them. Recordings that experience technical difficulties are not part of this set.
Ready to homeschool, but not sure how to get started? Need help with paperwork? Need some guidance on just what homeschooling is? This talk will help you leap off the fence and hit the ground running on your homeschool journey.
Jun. 13, 2024
Unveiling a game-changing truth: Getting into college is easy. It's graduating from college that's hard. Prepare to reimagine your approach to college by Homeschooling for College Credit. Say goodbye to the conventional obsession with 'college admissions.' Discover the power of earning college credit in high school and starting with the end in mind. In this session, you'll learn why Homeschooling for College Credit makes the difference between paying cash for a degree or going deep into student loan debt.
Jun. 13, 2024
Homeschooling high school can seem intimidating. This is an informational session for those with children approaching high school or in high school. Basic information about transcripts, credits, tests, course descriptions, and some of the options available for high school courses and curriculum will be presented. This overview is designed to provide insight and encouragement as you enter this new phase of the homeschooling adventure.
Jun. 13, 2024
Ready to get started homeschooling, but not sure what to do next? In this session we will discuss homeschool resources, understanding homeschool lingo, and ways to connect with other homeschoolers in your area and throughout the state.
Jun. 13, 2024
Enhance your homeschooling experience by seamlessly incorporating CLEP exams into your Christian curriculum with Homeschooling for College Credit. This workshop guides parents in integrating CLEP as the homeschool final exam, aligning faith-based learning with valuable college credits accepted at both secular and Christian institutions. Regardless of your teen's chosen college, the HS4CC method presents a "low-risk-high-reward" strategy for strategically accumulating credits. It offers a budget-friendly advantage for post-high school education, regardless of your college destination.
Jun. 13, 2024
Unsure of how to support your wife’s new interest in homeschooling? Concerned about your kids? Unsure of what to do as a homeschool husband and dad? In this session we will discuss how to support your wife and kids as the head of a homeschooling family.
Jun. 13, 2024
Is the PA Homeschool Law a total jumble to you? Are you confused about the paperwork? What about all those requirements? Have your fears and confusion allayed as Ginger explains the process and the details of homeschooling in PA.
Jun. 13, 2024
80% of public colleges and universities offer dual enrollment college courses to high school students, but what about the Christian homeschool? In this workshop, we'll explore my top picks for excellent Christian colleges and universities that offer affordable, high-quality college courses through distance learning. You'll learn what dual enrollment costs, the ideal starting age, and how to bring college credit into your homeschool program where it makes sense.
One of the most important aspects of homeschooling is to prepare our children well for what comes next. Some of the topics covered in this session are how to determine direction and interests, exploring and preparing for college majors or vocations, conducting a college or career search, and preparing spiritually for life after homeschool. High school curriculum, transcripts, tests, college visits and applications will be covered in this session. We will also discuss relevant books and websites that will help you in this vital role.
One common concern about homeschooling: what about socialization? In this session we will discuss socialization, its importance, and explore options to help calm this fear. Leave with confidence on how to answer that nagging question, What about socialization?
Jun. 13, 2024
Homeschool high school? Is it really doable? Yes! In fact, you might find the high school years more rewarding and “easier” to homeschool than the early elementary years, especially with multiple kids. We’ll discuss the many benefits of homeschooling the high school years, in addition to working through some practical solutions to common challenges.
Jun. 13, 2024
Homeschooling while dealing with challenges – learning, health, or more – is challenging! Seriously, it can be tempting to quit and let the “experts” take over, but homeschooling offers some benefits that no school can match at any price. Hal & Melanie have homeschooled through learning disabilities, children with chronic medical conditions, and bouts of serious illness themselves. They’ll give you hope and practical encouragement to leverage the flexibility of homeschooling to bless your family.
Jun. 13, 2024
Are you longing to find predictable points in your day to bring all your children together around the table rather than distractedly jumping from child to child? This course will provide tips to keep children of all ages and abilities engaged as well as help us to set realistic goals specific to our kid’s needs.
Jun. 13, 2024
This presentation will examine the benefits and disadvantages of homeschooling with an Individualized Education Plan and the steps required by law. Additional topics will be discussed that should be considered as you homeschool students with special needs including: testing, graduation and diplomas, and resources for support.
Jun. 13, 2024
How do you teach math effectively to a child with learning challenges? How do you bear tackling math facts again? How do you move beyond the times tables when your child has not mastered them? What are your options for high school math? Veteran homeschooler and math teacher Kathy Kuhl discusses working with children with difficulties in math, and shares strategies you can incorporate into any math curriculum.
Jun. 13, 2024
What do you do when you know your child is bright, but school is way harder than it ought to be? We’ve been there! One of our boys didn’t learn to read until he was eleven, but he’s a very successful college graduate and entrepreneur now. One of our kids had migraines that lasted weeks, sometimes making school impossible, but is able to use her God-given gifts in amazing ways. This encouraging session discusses how to keep hope alive in you both, how to adapt your homeschooling to the child in front of you, how to help them through the social embarrassment that can come with being a struggling learner, how to know when and how to get help, and how this trial can ultimately bless your child. Get hope for the future!
1-2-3 Eyes on Me- Many of us were told we weren’t taking in information unless we were showing it with our whole bodies. However, many children need to move to learn. This course will delve into the times that children benefit from sitting and how to engage our moving, wiggly learners.
Jun. 13, 2024
Your child struggles with some part of learning, or perhaps has given up. How do you help them begin again? How do you establish wise goals? How will you tell when you’ve reached them? Learn how to work around areas of weakness, strengthen them, and adapt curriculum. Get tips on how to keep going and to help your child keep going.
Jun. 13, 2024
We may hope our kids are really smart, but what happens when they are? It’s intimidating homeschooling a kid who’s racing ahead and seems to need more. Can you really meet his needs or would he be better off with professionals? How can you help her fit in socially? Should he graduate early or not? Hal & Melanie both went through gifted programs in school and now, having raised precocious children of their own, they have the insider’s perspective about the academic, social, and spiritual needs of talented kids. Learn how to teach, parent, and enjoy your bright kids!
Jun. 13, 2024
Executive Functioning are defined as the “brain-based skills needed to effectively execute or perform tasks and solve problems.” As with most skills, there is a range, not everyone needs to complete the same tasks on a daily basis. But, there must be a match between the environment, expectations, and abilities of a person. This class will 1) define executive functional skills, 2) explain why they can be hard for some people, and 3) give helpful solutions to use the homeschool to help your children build these skills.
Jun. 13, 2024
Screen time, smart devices, social media, and online learning offer opportunities and challenges for all families. But for families with children who learn differently—learning disabled, gifted, and/or other special needs—the pros and cons differ. Considering the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual aspects, Kathy Kuhl offers insights and resources to help you navigate the best course for your family.
Jun. 13, 2024
At eleven, one of our boys was just learning to read and at fourteen he still struggled to spell three letter words. Little did we know that he’d be reading ancient philosophers for fun at seventeen and that he’d go to college on a full academic scholarship! In this workshop, we’ll talk about how to help your struggling learners through high school (and give them a love of learning!), how to get accommodations on the SAT and ACT, and how to find out what help a college can give them – and you’ll be surprised just how much they can do! Our struggling learner was on the Dean’s List at his college and getting accommodations that really help. Find out how!
Jun. 13, 2024
Do you hate to wear a certain type of clothing? Does the sound of a person chewing really bother you? Do you tap your leg or repeatedly fidget during the day? These are all “sensory quirks”. When these quirks impact your or your child’s participation in what they need and want to do, we need to address it. This course will discuss the 8 sensory systems, and ways to help our children organize information from them all.
Jun. 13, 2024
Homeschooling is a demanding commitment that can be complicated when children have special needs to address. This presentation will review creative ideas to make the experience easier. Topics that will be addressed include - schooling on the run, accommodations/modifications for various needs, and the importance of self-care and balance.
“Choose this day whom you will serve . . . as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15 Are you walking in bondage or freedom? Following faith or fear? Whether you feel like a slave to your curriculum, systems of thought, the pressures people place on your shoulders, or something else . . . it was for freedom that Christ set us free—and it’s time to walk in it.
The turmoil of the tween/preteen years between nine and thirteen usually catches parents by surprise. Diligent students become addled and distracted. Kids raised in church start questioning the existence of God. Sweet children seem to climb on an emotional rollercoaster – and then invite you to join them. Don’t get a ticket for that ride! Instead, learn to resist the temptation to lose it yourself and to shepherd our children through this challenging age at this funny and all-too-real workshop — and lay a foundation to make the teen years great!
Jun. 14, 2024
A look at why the Genesis record is so vital to a sound understanding, not only of the origins of the world, but also of the major New Testament doctrines. We show why the creation days were literal, 24-hour periods - not millions of years. This session also includes a contrast of the results of a society that teaches evolution as opposed to the creation model.
If you find yourself constantly comparing your homeschool to others or looking outward for answers, you might be an insecure homeschooler. Join a second-generation homeschooler who lives to tell the story that this is possible and that your kids are going to be okay. Learn some tools and key points to help you trust your own discernment and listen to what God is saying to you about your homeschool so you can follow His lead. Give yourself some grace for the journey and then rise up and stand firm—not easily swayed or moved with your feet planted on your path. You are not doing this by accident, and you, my friend, are not alone.
Jun. 14, 2024
While evaluations are a requirement specified in the PA Homeschool Law, they don’t need to be terrifying or cause anxiety in you or your children. You will get a better understanding of what goes on during an evaluation and how you can best prepare for one. Prospective evaluators, this workshop is for you too. We will discuss evaluator qualifications, as well as the importance of an evaluator in helping families end their homeschool years positively.
Jun. 14, 2024
In a self-centered, entitled culture, Christian parents want more for our kids. We were created to serve others, but it doesn’t just happen. It takes intentional parenting and a personal desire to serve. Learn how to incorporate an attitude of service in your family, beginning in your home and taking it to your neighbors, your city, and the world!
Hear from the whole Spooner family as they share what the teen years look like from the perspective of Dad, Mom, and the teenagers themselves. What do our teens need from us, and how can we raise them in the way they should go so when they are old, they will not depart from it? How do we combat depression? How do we establish identity? Whether you have a teen or are worried about what is yet to come, this session is for the whole family! It will end with some family ministry time—families praying over families and teens praying over teens. Walk away equipped.
Jun. 14, 2024
If you’re experiencing burnout or can’t seem to stay on top of the homeschooling, you’re not alone! If you’ve lost the joy in your calling as a homeschool mom, then maybe you’re making homeschooling harder than it needs to be! This session will help you refocus your vision, while learning how to implement effective systems to get the most important things done in your homeschool.
Where did the idea of education come from? Does the Bible say anything about it? Is our common viewpoint on education in the US on point or way off target? Join Ginger as we consider the purpose and goal of education, along with what a proper education should include.
Jun. 14, 2024
“What’s your secret for staying together?” That’s the number one question younger couples want to ask veterans of long-term marriage, according to a recent study. There are bonds which are tighter than the strongest glue, and they’re not dramatic – just very, very powerful, and what’s more, Biblical. Join Hal and Melanie as they share what they’ve learned in 38 years of marriage and years of talking to other couples about the things that stick us together - and help us enjoy it!
Jun. 14, 2024
Will breaks down Pennsylvania’s homeschool law in easy-to-understand steps to help you homeschool with confidence. He also highlights legal issues and legislation that impact homeschooling and shares some of the ways he is advocating on behalf of homeschooling families.
This session provides a biblical alternative to the standard explanation for these creatures, and answers the basic questions everyone has on the subject - What were dinosaurs? When did they live? What really happened to them? Does the Bible talk about them?
Whether you have or are considering starting your own business, entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart and truthfully, it’s not for everyone. In this session, Rebecca will share some of the highs and lows of her own journey creating multiple businesses and some of the things she has learned along the way about leadership, innovation, and following God’s lead. If you have a big idea you’ve been sitting on and are trying to make your way to financial freedom, make sure to bookmark this session!
Jun. 14, 2024
So many parents ask, “Why doesn’t my son enjoy reading? I want him to love it!” We look at ways to help your boys read better (because it’s hard to love it when it’s hard!), enjoy reading more, and find joy in stories and in research. From the parents of six adult sons, all of whom learned (eventually) to love reading! Many boys struggle with writing, too. They complain that it's too hard, that they can't think of anything to write, that they don't know why they have to do it anyway. Hal & Melanie homeschooled all six of their boys all the way through. Their boys learned to love writing and won writing awards. You can pull it off, too!
Jun. 14, 2024
Are you wondering how in the world you will be able to homeschool multiple kids at different grade levels? Especially without losing your mind? Abby Banks is a homeschool mom of five and has been homeschooling since 2008. While it's not always roses & buttercups, she’s learned how to have a flexible rhythm & flow in her day and still be productive – even with five kids. In this workshop, we’ll share three keys to homeschooling multiple kids without going crazy (on most days!). We’ll also walk through specific action steps to take to implement what you learn.
Are you dealing with broken relationships, heartbreak, depression, or even bone-wearying exhaustion in your family? In this session, you’ll be inspired by stories of real revivals through history and how children, men, and women were forever changed and marked not by striving, but by God’s presence. You don’t need a five-step plan—you need the one who can bring beauty from the ashes, joy in the morning, and rain on a dry and thirsty land. May you walk away full of anticipation for the great plans that God has for you. He’s not finished with you yet.
The Bible tells fathers to teach their children the things of God - and tells the kids to be sure and ask! But even if you come from a great family, there will always be things you have to learn on your own - from the sublime to the ridiculous. For a lot of us, we're trying to do things a little (or a lot) differently than our fathers did. Hal's dad was an only child and father of two. Come hear what Hal's learned raising eight homeschooled kids of his own and laugh with him about the strange turns our lives take when we take on this adventure.
Jun. 15, 2024
Bible literacy is a growing concern in the church, even among those who grew up in Christian homes. Sometimes our kids know the Sunday School stories, but they don’t know how to read and study the Word for themselves. This session will discuss the case for Bible literacy, why it’s important to find resources that dive deeper than simply learning Bible facts, plus how families can start studying whole books of the Bible together – even if you never learned yourself!
Jun. 15, 2024
This is one of the most breathtaking and perplexing sites in the world. Standard geological explanations for its formation are wrong, and most creationists have overlooked some major pieces of the puzzle. Amazingly, what carved the canyon also explains most of the fascinating geological features in the entire area (e.g. Monument Valley, The Petrified Forest, Canyonlands & Arches, Canyon de Chelley, etc.). Furthermore, they all formed very quickly! What happened?
Jun. 15, 2024
Homeschooling has changed drastically over the years—everything from who is doing it to why and how they go about it. What does the future look like? Do we just keep approaching the same things in the same ways, or is it time to adapt and flip the script? We aren’t raising our children for a world that was written about 20 years ago, we are raising them for the world 10 years from now. Let’s talk about proactive homeschooling and equipping a generation for what is yet to come.
Jun. 15, 2024
In this informative talk, Will discusses the law in your state, and how homeschool families can take steps to protect their children from abuse and neglect, as well as from unnecessary and traumatic investigations by CPS investigators.
How do grades work in homeschooling? Do you grade your kids from kindergarten on? Can my child skip a grade? What exactly is the supervisor's role? In this helpful chat, Ginger shares new thoughts about grades, grading, and the process of learning. There may just be a few thoughts about 'Things I Wish I Knew', too!
If you’ve ever heard your kids say this, it’s time to have a frank discussion about it. What is genius? What are we measuring ourselves up against anyway? Sometimes we need freedom from our own limited view of intelligence so that we free our children from the narrow-minded perspective of the world. Let’s unlock the individual genius in the kids we have been given—and in ourselves—as we lift the veil and choose to see the bigger picture together.
Jun. 15, 2024
Preteens and teens crave connection and acceptance, while media of all kinds are telling them that identifying as a different gender or sexual orientation will solve all their problems. Even kids not tempted by these things are affected by the kids and culture around them, sometimes believing their parents are hateful or unloving in their response to that culture. Find out about the influences reaching out to our kids, learn how to respond in a way that will preserve your relationship, and get practical help in guiding them through the clamoring voices of our society.
Jun. 15, 2024
Maybe you’re new to homeschooling or maybe you’ve been on this journey for years. One thing is true for no matter how much time you’ve logged as a homeschooling parent: we all need encouragement to keep going. In this session, we’ll talk about potential stumbling blocks to staying encouraged and staying the course. There are practical as well as emotional obstacles like sensing a lack of skills or knowledge, the tendency to compare ourselves to others, or even a lack of cooperation from friends and family. Please join us as we bring some of these issues into the light and assure you that you are not alone!
Jun. 15, 2024
Let’s be honest: homeschooling is hard. But what makes it even harder is that it is not our only responsibility. We also have to be parents and homemakers while working at our jobs or being involved in our churches or ministries. How do we effectively balance all these important missions that we have been given? How do we prioritize and strategize what truly matters? If you’ve been feeling pulled in a million directions, this one’s for you.
Jun. 15, 2024
“He never talks to me.” “My teens are so disrespectful.” “I have no idea what she’s thinking.” “They’re so ugly to each other.” “I wish we could just talk.” We hear these things all the time from families. It’s easy to get into a cycle of communicating badly with each other, but it doesn’t have to be that way! The Word of God gives us a lot of really practical advice about communicating with one another, but it’s hard to know what that looks like in real life. Come learn how to turn that advice into action, change your family culture for the better, improve your other relationships, and laugh a little, too.
Jun. 15, 2024
This session normally closes the seminars. With fascinating illustrations, it contrasts the evolution model with the creation model from a historic standpoint through a look at what many ancient cultures were able to accomplish. It contrasts some of these civilizations to our own.