Recordings Listing
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 21 2024
OR 2024 Mission Possible
Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association NetworkSet Price: $49.00
2024 Complete Oregon Conference Set
Jun. 21, 2024
Experience classical education in action! We will model and practice the three arts of the trivium: grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric. Using triangles as a springboard, this interactive session will demonstrate how learning progresses throughout a student’s life.
Jun. 21, 2024
An informational presentation about the benefits and opportunities of military service to homeschool families considering the next steps for medical care, college funding options, and career opportunities. This informational discussion comes from a homeschool father of 4 children who is also an Active Duty officer in the US Army.
Jun. 21, 2024
Learn and teach your family how to research and apply the Biblical Worldview of Government: Christian Self-Government. Bible class.
Jun. 21, 2024
Join Kelley Deitemeyer at "Cultivating Global Christians: Spanish Curriculum and More" for a unique and enriching experience. Whether you're interested in My Homeschool Spanish or seeking practical educational strategies for your homeschooling journey, this workshop is designed for you. Kelley, who is bilingual and has extensive international experience, holds a Doctorate in Education and brings a wealth of knowledge and innovative ideas to the table.
Jun. 22, 2024
This session will be a fun opportunity for children to demonstrate knowledge of their world and the Bible. There will also be a lesson from Scripture from the life of Christ and a reminder of the value and importance of growing in wisdom. It will end with an exhortation to obey God even as Christ did and to share the gospel with others.
Jun. 22, 2024
Discover the tools that teach your children how to think well and develop an understanding of any subject, topic, or trade. We will model these tools allowing you to experience them yourself.
Jun. 22, 2024
Mindy Brouse is a homeschooling mom of six in her umpteenth year of homeschooling. Her engaging style is one of humor coupled with practicality. She uses a classical eclectic model in her homeschool, which usually involves chocolate and chai latte. During this entertaining session, you will learn about BiblioPlan curriculum and tips and tricks for teaching across multi-age levels. Learn how to organize and utilize history, Bible, and geography for the entire family.
Jun. 22, 2024
Many students love math when they understand the concepts. But when there is a learning gap, that student can suddenly begin to hate math. Sue Wachter will share tips and tools to help fill some of those learning gaps to help your struggling student learn to love math again.
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 8 through 9, 2024
Nebraska 2024 Conference and Curriculum Fair
Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators AssociationSet Price: $65.00
NCHEA 2024 C&CF Full Recording Set
2024 Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association Conference and Curriculum Fair, full set of recordings, Fri-Sat.
Mar. 8, 2024
Mar. 8, 2024
Exhibitor Workshop
Mar. 8, 2024
Exhibitor Workshop
Mar. 8, 2024
Mar. 8, 2024
Exhibitor Workshop
Mar. 9, 2024
Mar. 9, 2024
Child Evangelism
Exhibitor Workshop
Exhibitor Workshop
Exhibitor Workshop
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 16 through 17, 2023
OR 2023 - A Future and a Hope
Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association NetworkSet Price: $99.00
2023 OR - Complete Conference Set
The complete conference set includes the available MP3 messages recorded at the 2023 conference. (Messages lost to technical difficulties will not be included.)
Jun. 16, 2023
Approximately one in five students have reading/writing/spelling difficulties, among other characteristics of dyslexia. Marcia, a certified Susan Barton Tutor, will focus on intervention for these students. She is also certified as an Irlen Diagnostician, as an S.O.I. Advanced practitioner, and is experienced with often co-existing, contributing conditions.
Jun. 16, 2023
Learn about the tools that teach your children how to think well and develop an understanding of any subject, topic, or trade. Using the Seven Wonders of the ancient world as a springboard, we will model these tools allowing you to experience them yourself!
Jun. 17, 2023
MP3# 23-412 Willamette 1 Homeschooling is a beautiful way to educate all minds, and it is particularly excellent for those with unique brain wiring. However, the problems associated with ADHD can be hard to recognize in a homeschooling environment since they don't manifest in the same manner as in institutional schooling. This workshop will shine a light on how ADHD shows up in the homeschool and how families can study it and support it so that these amazing minds can prosper even in the non-ADHD world. Attendees will receive a discount for "ADHD: See it, Study it, Support it!" Group Coaching with Rhea Finch, a Certified Professional ADHD Family Coach.
Jun. 17, 2023
Join us to learn about an interdisciplinary approach to life issues in the K-12 homeschool curriculum. You will walk away with recommendations for age-appropriate books, programs, and activities to shape a pro-life worldview in your children.
Have you heard the buzz about RightStart™ Math? Hear about our philosophy and what sets us apart from other curricula. We will teach children that a real mathematical problem is like a puzzle, that math is more than memorization, and that math is fun. Learn what's special about our math program!
Jun. 17, 2023
Experience Classical Education in action! We will model and practice the three arts of the trivium: grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric. Using the triangles as a springboard, this interactive session will demonstrate how learning progresses throughout a student's life.
Jun. 17, 2023
Do you have a child who is smart but does not feel like they are? Does your child speak poorly about themself or tell you they can't do something even before they try? Are they reluctant to try to learn something new for fear that they will not do it perfectly? Often, this is because they are afraid of forgetting, not being able to get it done fast or good enough or are afraid of disappointing their parents. This workshop will help you to better understand your child and help them see how truly smart and capable they are.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 17 through 18, 2022
OR- 2022 Joy in the Journey Conference
Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association NetworkSet Price: $99.00
Complete Conference Set of recordings
This gives you access to all of the available recordings made at the 2022 Oregon Christian Home Education Conference. No need to click on any other title. This selection provides all of the available session recordings.
Life is Sacred is an interactive faith-based presentation for high school-aged groups covering fetal development, abortion procedures, and pro-life apologetics.
Ever wondered how NOT to organize your day? Veteran homeschool mom of 10 (7 still in home school) and creator of My Student Logbooks takes a fun look at what organization is and isn't, why sometimes trying other people's organizational systems is a disaster, and how to discover organizational tools that work for YOU.
Our God is a God of order. Look at creation, the church, and the family, and you see it. Having a bit of organization in our life helps our days to run a bit more smoothly. Being organized in homeschooling is essential to help us stay on track to accomplish our daily, monthly, and yearly goals. Organization for each family looks different, just like each family's homeschool looks different. However, we all need a place to start. Learn some organizational tips and ideas for your school year, your school day, your books and material, and much more that you can modify and personalize to help you have a successful homeschool year.
Jun. 18, 2022
One in six people has a little-known condition called Irlen Syndrome that interferes with reading and learning. The fix is accommodations that use specific colors of plastic overlays, colored paper, adjusting screens, and precision-tinted lenses if there are extra environmental issues that trigger headaches or other health concerns. If you or your child lose your place reading, need to re-read, get visual fatigue, or possibly become anxious, concentrate poorly, or get headaches/migraines in bright light (or other symptoms), you will want to attend this workshop presented by Robin Firth, RN and fully certified Irlen Diagnostician. Presented by Positive Learning Solutions, LLC
Jun. 18, 2022
The practice of respectful, articulate discourse in our society seems all but lost. It's easy to be disheartened and frustrated, but as Christians, we are called to be salt and light in a dark and dying world! The effective communication skills needed to cut through the noise and confusion don't come naturally to everyone. Come hear some practical tips to help your children be better listeners, thinkers, and speakers at every stage of their educational journey. Effective communication can be taught and used to help fulfill our role as ambassadors for Christ wherever the Lord calls us! Presented by NCFCA
Jun. 18, 2022
There's a huge demand for good MTs. As a result, there's more variety and volume of work than ever before. Learn about the reports we transcribe, earning potential, equipment, working for The Medical Transcription Service, and much more. Your instructor has been a medical transcriptionist for more than 35 years, operates a large MT business, and has taught for many other programs. You'll enjoy her warmth, humor, and practical advice. Presented by the Medical Transcription Service
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 11 through 12, 2022
Nebraska 2022 NCHEA Conference and Curriculum Fair
Presented by: Nebraska Christian Home Educators AssociationSet Price: $65.00
Complete set of recordings for the 2022 NCHEA Conference and Curriculum Fair, held at Indian Hills Church, March 11 & 12 2022.
Mar. 11, 2022
Whether you have toddlers or teenagers, you can teach them the Bible! It doesn’t require a degree in Greek, a Bible college degree, or years of studying to teach your children the Bible. Dara will share creative ideas for teaching all ages the wisdom of God’s Word. She will cover teaching Bible stories, Bible memorization, prayer, Biblical discipline, family devotions and service. Being a Christian is a 24/7 life and learning to commune with God through every part of every day is critical. Hear how you and your children can bring God into every area of your life.
Mar. 12, 2021
Worldview defined is any ideology, philosophy, theology, movement or religion that provides an overarching approach to understanding God, the world, and mankind’s relation to God and the world. A worldview should contain a particular perspective on theology, philosophy, ethics, science, psychology, sociology, law, politics, economics and history. Learn how the Christian Worldview is superior. Our country began with a Christian worldview. To promote human rights and liberty requires a Christian worldview.
Mar. 12, 2021
College Prep 101 - Show More
This workshop will cover preparing for the college search and finding the “right fit.” We will also cover Government aid-FAFSA and the types of financial aid.
Mar. 12, 2021
Gain ideas of how to energize, equip, and engage your family to reach this generation of children with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Mar. 12, 2021
So many curricula claim Christian foundations, but very few remain firm on Creation. Find out what a difference this can make and see how it not only excites your children for learning but will build a solid foundation for them to resist the constant immorality faced at every turn.
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 28 through 29, 2019
OR-2019 Walking in Freedom
Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network

Set Price: $99.00
2019 Complete Conference Set
Get the entire set of all recordings from the 2019 Oregon Christian Home Education Conference for one special price.
Jun. 28, 2019
Few skills are more essential today than effective communication. But teaching writing can be rather challenging. Learn easy-to-implement strategies to successfully use the writing process, graphic organizers, and rubrics to simplify writing projects for both student and parents.
Jun. 28, 2019
All of us were designed for relationships, including our children. A relationship without conversation is no relationship at all. Students will thrive when given an opportunity to engage instead of being lectured. Remove your children from the "box" of education and lead them on a path to Know God and Make Him Known. Learn how to use the tools of the Classical Method to encourage your children in the pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty, while growing in your relationship with them.