Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii

Recordings Listing


Kalihi Union Church
Friday & Saturday
Mar. 13 through 14, 2015

CHOH Annual Conference - 2015

Presented by: Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii
ID: 17-204
Mar. 13, 2015

Learn different ways to get scholarships as well as FREE college!

Topics: College
ID: 17-209
Mar. 13, 2015

Discover how to teach students of all ages to write stories reports and essays with style using the award-winning Excellence in Writing.

ID: 2015-01
Mar. 13, 2015

“Whatever is the meaning of life?” “Whatever happens when one dies?” “Whatever is your highest value?”--questions that demand more than a “Whatever!” answer. The “Whatever!” answer of Secular thinking dampens and even squelches serious thought and attempts at engaged conversation in our culture. The “Whatever!” of Secularism even invades the church. Rather than be discouraged, take heart in God’s command in Deuteronomy 12:32

ID: 2015-02
Mar. 14, 2015

“Would you agree the Bible teaches…that men are superior to women…that God helps those who help themselves…that Jesus’ main message was to love one another…?” Listen and watch in amazement at the responses from college students and people on the streets give when Bill Jack asks about their knowledge of Scripture. See how people love to display their ignorance. Learn how conversationally to destroy “arguments raised up against the knowledge of God.”—II Corinthians 10:5

ID: 2015-03
Mar. 13, 2015

Train your students to discern world views and to understand their impact on every aspect of our culture. We will analyze the impact of world views on our culture through interviews with those who hold opposing world views. Great opportunity to learn practical tools to learn how to reach non-Christians and to confront the culture with the Truth.

ID: 2015-04
Mar. 13, 2015

Non-Christians seem to have the advantage in our culture. We, as Christians, are sometimes intimidated by or even afraid to talk with many atheists, new-agers, evolutionists and other Wizards. Too often, we fear we won’t have answers to their tough questions.

“Who cares whether it was 6 days or 6 million years!?!?!? Isn’t this discussion unnecessarily divisive to the Christian community? Are we not losing credibility with the scientific community and hurting the cause of Christ among non-Christians by insisting on a literal interpretation of Genesis 1-3?” Learn to respond biblically to such charges so that “no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception.” Old-earthers, progressive creationists and other Wizards come try and stump the wild-eyed, fanatical, six-day creationist.

Be encouraged. Learn four killer questions that will help to destroy the Wizards’ secular thinking that is encasing the minds of friends, relatives and others. Learn to destroy the Wizards’sloppy, secular arguments without destroying the person.

ID: 2015-07
Mar. 14, 2015

The biggest and most enduring Counterfeit Reality of all time is most cleverly foisted upon people through film. See how moviemakers convey a secular worldview to the public…in the blink of an eye! Keep in mind Colossians 2:8, and keep focused on Bill Jack’s media examples and use of technological illusions. Otherwise, you may lose sight of True Reality.

ID: 2015-08
Mar. 14, 2015

What can evangelical Christians, evolutionists and atheists have in common? The Pharisees wanted people to observe the law, but they forgot the purpose of the law and ended up honoring God with their lips but having hearts far away from Him. Learn how to recognize the masquerade of artificial authority when it parades in culture and even marches into church.

ID: 2015-09
Mar. 13, 2015

God is working redemptively through homeschooling. Here is the hope we have for our failures, weaknesses and frustrations. God is at work to make Himself known to you more deeply and fully.

ID: 2015-10
Mar. 13, 2015

Welcome to the digital age. What does the future of education look like, and how can the homeschool community take advantage of this? Here's a look at free tools and free content sites online that can make your homeschool more efficient, more economical and more powerful. Harness the educational advantage of online learning and give your kids a jumpstart on their future. We will look at how Web 2.0 applications are changing the definition of education - blogs, wikis, Google applications, Skype, VoiceThreads, open courseware, YouTube, Facebook and even Twitter, when used appropriately can really help kids learn.

ID: 2015-11
Mar. 13, 2015

The 20 Power Tools of Learning and the brain science behind them. For teens and their parents. Cut your study time in half, remember what you learn, recall it when you need it.

ID: 2015-12
Mar. 14, 2015

A love for learning is a blessing God has for His children-- one that is meant to enrich our lives, give us purpose and draw us into a quest to know the Creator. This workshop will give you a biblical foundation for safeguarding a child’s natural curiosity and joy of discovery; and suggest ways to approach homeschooling that keeps this important element alive and growing in your child.

ID: 2015-13
Mar. 14, 2015

Do you want a lifelong learner who initiates studies on his own? Then let go of the wheel and start giving your kids responsibility for their education. Here are practical, inexpensive steps that will encourage children to pursue their own learning, and prevent parent burnout as well.

ID: 2015-14
Mar. 14, 2015

From the perspective of a mom who raised four teens, long time high school level teacher and evaluator of numerous high school homeschool programs. The high school years are your child's resume for the future. Here's how to maximize his time, prepare him for a changing job market, get doors to open, and facilitate non-traditional learning experiences.

ID: 2015-15
Mar. 13, 2015

Not every student will want to attend college. ABC Hawaii Chapter offers Apprenticeship training in five trades; Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, Painter, and Roofing. Employers participate as “sponsors,” agrees to train the apprentice in the individual trade while he/she earns a living and builds a reputation as a skilled, knowledgeable and reliable professional.

ID: 2015-16
Mar. 13, 2015

Are any of your children surface learners? Some students just float along the surface of each subject without much comprehension. Will surface memorization of facts help a child succeed in later education and in life? How do you motivate him to go deeper? What about the struggling learner who can’t keep up? Are there ways to connect with them and connect them with learning? Discover how help each child make better use of his abilities so that he can thrive with the mind God has given him.

ID: 2015-17
Mar. 14, 2015

Understanding how the brain reads can give you ideas on how to help your child in reading fluency and comprehension. Come learn nonstandard strategies that have the potential to get your child reading for life.

Topics: Elementary
ID: 2015-18
Mar. 13, 2015

If you have more than one child, you know each one learns differently. Knowing how the brain learns can help you motivate as well as teach more effectively. Knowing how the brain learns can help you overcome many challenges related to attention, comprehension, and retention.

ID: 2015-19
Mar. 13, 2015

This workshop will give you solid reasons for educating and training your children through homeschooling. You can teach your children positive socialization skills, train their character and develop an academic program to fit their needs.

ID: 2015-20
Mar. 13, 2015

By understanding your child's learning style, determining an educational approach and deciding on objectives, you will be able to make a better decision when choosing curriculum.

ID: 2015-21
Mar. 13, 2015

Working with other families who are homeschooling can be a huge blessing! What makes for a better working relationship in a co-op situation? What are some potential pitfalls to avoid? You can successfully put one together to meet the needs of your students. Come and get ideas to get started!

Join Peter Martin, TeenPact CEO, to learn more about TeenPact, a program that is training youth to understand the political process, value their liberty, defend their faith and engage the culture.

WBU is a regionally accredited Christian University offering Associate, Bachelor, and Master Degree programs.  We offer concurrent courses for High School Juniors and Seniors at discounted costs.  To aid families with college costs, we offer financial aid and scholarship support.

Topics: College

Come see how to teach math using a skill based, multi-sensory approach form counting to Calculus. Teach your child to understand math and build a foundation for a lifelong love of learning.

ID: 2015-26
Mar. 14, 2015

Learn how hundreds of children have become confident, successful spellers using the methods taught in Spelling You See. There are no weekly spelling lists, no weekly spelling tests, and no time-consuming instructor preparation. Instead, a brief daily activity helps students integrate writing, reading, speaking and listening.

Examine marriage from both a biblical perspective, and from our experience from homeschooling four children. We will offer practical insight and encouragement to equip homeschooling families with the tools they need to experience victory in their marriage relationship. A strong marriage will bring balance and joy to counter the often busy demands of homeschooling. Ultimately, this will give their children a powerful living example of trusting God in their calling to love others as they love as husband and wife. What a profound and secure foundation to allow God to build your family on!

ID: 2015-28
Mar. 14, 2015

You can help a student move from simply reporting facts to the more sophisticated skill of using facts in order to support an opinion with several different essay models and a gradual method of building the analytical writer.

From dumbing down to danger to destruction, learn how and why today’s devices are destroying the hearts and minds of our children.

ID: 2015-31
Mar. 13, 2015

In a world of ever changing technology, students must not lose the art of effective note taking to carry them throughout life.

ID: 2015-32
Mar. 14, 2015

Discover how this is a learnable test and every question can be answered in 30 seconds or less.

ID: 2015-33
Mar. 14, 2015

Learn life-long skills to sound smart when speaking and writing

ID: 2015-34
Mar. 14, 2015

Parents and teens will learn about amazing scholarships from this misunderstood test.

ID: 2015-35
Mar. 13, 2015

In this seminar, Dr. Wanda Phillips helps parents to assess their own grammar usage. Through easy explanations and strategies, she helps parents to change any errors in their own usage.

ID: 2015-36
Mar. 14, 2015

Learn how to cut through the misinformation on ADHD and find out what the research says about this not uncommon condition.

Learn the fast, effective way to teach all children how to read.

Do you struggle with motivating your child to complete his or her work each day? Are incomplete workbook pages and teardrops a regular part of your homeschool experience? Free both yourself and your child from drudgery by discovering and using the "lost tools of learning". This workshop will help to explain what Classical Education is and why it works. We will demystify the concept of "classical" and explain its three learning stages. We will hone in on the “Grammar Stage”, and discover methods that motivate and recharge your homeschool, no matter what curriculum you use.

After a short overview of Classical Christian Education, we will delve into the unique characteristics of 7th through 12th grade students, along with how the Classical Christian approach works to equip them for life and motivate them for a life of service to Christ. We will focus on the end product, what qualities will define our children when they graduate from our high schools, socially, academically and spiritually. We will discuss how Logic and Latin, along with other uniquely classical subjects, fit in to the big picture, guiding your child to embrace a Christian worldview and discover his or her life's mission. You will leave this workshop with a more clear understanding of Classical Christian education’s goals, along with strategy and resources for achieving those goals.

ID: 2015-40
Mar. 13, 2015

The Lord gave each of us 24 hours to commit to our calling as wife and mother. But how do we get everything done? Learn some helpful tips about managing your time and organizing your home so you can keep up with the cooking, cleaning, and laundry while still teaching and discipling your children to the glory of the Lord.