Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

Recordings Listing


Harrisburg, PA Farm Show Complex
Friday & Saturday
May. 8 through 9, 2015

PA-2015 Plans to Give You Hope

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

"The only things certain are death and taxes" - Benjamin Franklin. Yet few know America's interesting history of Income Tax, such as: 1787 - U.S. Constitution prohibited a "direct" Federal tax 1862 - "Revenue Tax" on incomes went into effect as an emergency to finance the Union during the Civil War 1873 - Civil War ended, emergency over, Income Tax Repealed 1895 - Supreme Court made Income Tax unconstitutional 1913 - Woodrow Wilson thought tariffs on imports caused wars, so he worked to replace them with an Income Tax. Income Tax was originally only a 1% tax on the top 1% richest people in America. 1943 - Paycheck Withholding began as an emergency effort to get funds to finance WWII. John F. Kennedy - "Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased flow of revenues to the Federal Government." (Annual Budget Message, Jan. 17, 1963) Thomas Jefferson - "It is an encouragement to proceed as we have begun in substituting economy for taxation" (2nd Annual Message, 1802)

ID: 2015-308
May. 8, 2015

Join a panel of experts as they answer your questions about the passage of the HB 1013 which became Act 196 of 2014. Representative Mark Gillen and Representative Jesse Topper join HSLDA Attorney Dewitt Black as they talk about passing the new homeschool law. All three of these men are homeschool dads and have a heart for homeschooling.

The Introduction to American Government workshop provides a comprehensive overview of our local, state, and federal systems of government, with an emphasis on how to engage in the civic arena for Christian causes. If you have an interest in history, political science, government, or statesmanship, you will not want to miss this workshop!

ID: 2015-418
May. 9, 2015

The Christian Statesmanship workshop blends Biblical truths, American history, and an overview of civics to form an inspiring, educational, and fun message for Christians who desire to learn more about becoming involved in the civic arena. You will learn about our nation's Christian heritage, our recent loss of religious freedoms, and ways YOU can "stand in the gap" to help restore righteousness to this great country.

ID: 2015-505
May. 8, 2015

Join Attorney Dewitt Black, Pennsylavania's HSLDA attorney, for his brief summary of Pennsylvania's homeschool law with an emphasis on recent changes due to the passage of HB 1013. Dee's summary will be followed by a Q & A session where you can get all your questions answered about the homeschool law.