Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii

Recordings Listing


Calvary Chapel Komo Mai
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 5 through 6, 2013

CHOH Annual Conference - 2013

Presented by: Christian Homeschoolers of Hawaii
ID: 2013-1
Apr. 5, 2013

In 1925 the U.S. Supreme Court said children are not mere creatures of the state. The 1945 United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights recognizes that parents have the “prior right” to decide what kind of education their children will have. Is homeschooling a “human right” of the first order? HSLDA Staff Attorney, homeschooling father of seven, and Director of International Affairs Michael Donnelly explores this question and shares a presentation he delivered at the world’s largest human rights conference on the philosophy of law and social philosophy. In this talk, Donnelly examines philosophies on the relationship between the family and the state and looks at how human rights doctrine is applied globally towards homeschooling.

ID: 2013-2
Apr. 6, 2013

In 1775 Patrick Henry said “give me liberty or give me death.” You know that the founders of our country were mostly Christian men who understood that liberty meant Christian liberty. But how much a part of our founding was the faith of our founders? John Hancock and John Adams’ battle cry was one of “No King but King Jesus.” While secular historians want to minimize the impact of the founders’ faith, the truth is that 93% of the founders were members of Christian churches. A knowledge of our history is critical if we are to ever recover our nation’s heritage. Michael Donnelly is an HSLDA Attorney and an Adjunct Professor at Patrick Henry College where he teaches constitutional law. Listen as he unearths the truth and import of the Faith of Our Founders.

ID: 2013-8
Apr. 5, 2013

In 1923, the United States Supreme Court ruled that parents have the fundamental right to direct the education and upbringing of their children. So why are parental rights suddenly endangered? Come hear HSLDA attorney and homeschooling father Michael Donnelly discuss the next biggest threat to homeschool freedom and what you can do about it.