Georgia Home Education Association

Recordings Listing


Atlanta, GA
Thursday - Saturday
Jun. 5 through 7, 2014

2014 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association
ID: 1412
Jun. 6, 2014

In this session we define “science”, and illustrate the scientific method of problem solving. In the light of true science, the three main concepts that the theory of evolution is based upon are examined and shown to be faithbased rather than science-based. The purpose of this session is not only to show that science does not support evolutionary theory, but also to give Christians some “tools” with which to combat the theory.

A powerful and attention-grabbing presentation on the vital importance of the Bible’s history in Genesis: how it is foundational to the Gospel and relevant to our world and society. The authority of the Bible is paramount. Items of scientific evidence are woven into the presentation in a way that is easily understood by the layperson, as is the Gospel message. Christians are motivated to become armed and equipped to be able to ‘give an answer’ and to be vastly more effective at personal evangelism. In addition, their own personal faith is strengthened. Non-Christians are challenged to see the issues in a different light, and at the same time get salvation-relevant information which an ‘evidence-only’ talk would not provide.

ID: 1439
Jun. 7, 2014

Based on the life of Ehud the Benjamite, Mark will unveil the unique strategy that God and his parents used to prepare him to become a skilled and strategic warrior, confident leader, and a skillful entrepreneur. In this seminar we will look at the assessment of a child’s natural abilities and the instructive insights that are necessary to cultivate in each child, teen, and passionate pursuit of excellence in every area of life. This seminar promises to be an eye opener for all ages—in more ways than you expect; but in a way you will never forget! If time allows we will also take parents behind the scenes to see what inspired and motivated the great minds of Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Einstein, Edison, and the more modern creativity of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and the Beatles. They all had something in common--something available to all! Join Mark and be convinced that “Everyday you are becoming who you will be forever.”

ID: 1446
Jun. 7, 2014

With fascinating illustrations, this session contrasts the evolution model with the creation model from a historic standpoint through a look at what many ancient cultures were able to accomplish. It contrasts some of these civilizations to our own.

ID: 1447
Jun. 7, 2014

Attitudes affect much of our lives, including the relationships we have in the home. Sometimes children have bad attitudes about instructions, authority, schoolwork, or even about the family itself. Unfortunately, many parents focus only on the behavior and don’t help children deal with the underlying heart issues. Learn to recognize thinking errors that lead to bad attitudes, see why it’s important to address emotions in the family. In this session, parents will learn proactive and corrective strategies for addressing bad attitudes in family life.

ID: 1448
Jun. 7, 2014

Real power to elicit change in behavior comes through recognizing and training the underlying belief systems that drive our behaviors. In this session, Ben and Ann Marie Brezina will describe a Biblical view of ourselves as parents and relate practical examples of how focusing on identity can empower us and our children towards healthy relationships and Christ-like behavior.

ID: 1454
Jun. 7, 2014

Could you explain where the water for a world-wide flood would have come from, and where it all went?! Understanding the flood (the purpose, the causes, the aftermath and the evidence) is very important to a biblically sound creation model. This session covers all the basics about this event, and also includes a video and PowerPoint presentation on the “Hydroplate Theory”, a biblically accurate and scientifically feasible portrayal of the “how” of the flood event.

ID: 1455
Jun. 7, 2014

Join Mark as he reveals an unusual passage of Scripture that is rarely preached or talked about. Twice God the Father speaks about His Son—once at His Son’s baptism and then three years later on top of a mountain. The second time He speaks he repeats what he said the first time but adds one significant component that is essential for all parents—“Listen to him.” Once you learn what this means, you will approach your children with a more purposeful plan that will cultivate their identity, confirm your love, be encouraged by your pleasure in them, and possess the confidence and authority that has been bestowed upon them. As always some of the most powerful teaching on parenting is right before our eyes. (Hebrews 5:8; David and javelins; Joseph, Daniel, Abraham, Moses, Peter: a servant and apostle—switched roles)

ID: 1458
Jun. 7, 2014

Faithfully having a time for daily family Bible study and worship will transform your family, supercharge your faith,and can completely change your life. Planning and leading a daily family Bible study is simple, doesn’t require and specialized theological training, and will yield benefits beyond what you can imagine. Come hear Jonathan share about how his life, and the life of his family, has been transformed by one simple discipline. You will leave equipped to change your family dramatically!

ID: 1460
Jun. 7, 2014

A hot topic for today! This session provides a biblical alternative to the standard explanation for these creatures,and answers the basic questions everyone has on the subject - What were dinosaurs? When did they really live? What really happened to them? Does the Bible talk about

Parents who have challenging children need specific tools for working with these kids. This session offers hope and encouragement to parents who desperately need it. In this session parents will understand how raising the character threshold can help kids do the right thing. Attendees will learn to use an Action Plan Worksheet to develop a unique plan for their child. Parents gain hope and encourage by learning a biblical plan to work with a challenging child.

Parents who have challenging children need specific tools for working with these kids. This session offers hope and encouragement to parents who desperately need it. In this session parents will understand how raising the character threshold can help kids do the right thing.

ID: 1465
Jun. 7, 2014

This is one of the most breathtaking and perplexing sites in the USA. Standard geological explanations for its formation are wrong, and most creationists have overlooked some major pieces of the puzzle. Amazingly, what carved the canyon also explains most of the fascinating geological features in the entire area (e.g. Monument Valley, The Petrified Forest, Canyonlands & Arches, Canyon de Chelley, etc.). Furthermore, they all formed very quickly! What happened?!


Atlanta, GA
Thursday - Saturday
May. 16 through 18, 2013

2013 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association
ID: 1307
May. 17, 2013

What is ‘real science’? Jonathan discusses the distinction between ‘origins science’ which seeks to explain what happened in the past and ‘operational science’ which is testable, repeatable, and is the source of things like cell phones and antibiotics. He shows how what we see from operational science—things we observe today—support the Bible’s statements about origins and an intelligent Designer—the God of the Bible. This includes startling evidence for a globe-covering Flood that laid down rock layers, formed fossils, and carved canyons.

ID: 1318
May. 17, 2013

In popular culture (media, movies and public education), dinosaurs are probably used more than any other topic to indoctrinate people, particularly our youth, into the worldview of evolution and its associated millions-of-years timeframe. However, most have never heard the overwhelming evidence that demonstrates man and dinosaurs have coexisted in recent history. Moreover, evolutionary paleontologists have been confronted by physical evidence that contradicts their idea that the last dinosaur walked the earth 65 million years ago. What does this mean for Christians? Gary relates how we can use this information to reaffirm the Bible’s account of history, and the dinosaurs’ place in it. It’s important information that we can use to equip our children when they are confronted by the cultural view of dinosaurs and the millions of years of evolution.

Creatures do change over time. It’s called natural selection, but it’s not evolution, because they can only change within predetermined limits. Frogs stay as frogs, and dogs remain as dogs. If we are taught to understand it from a biblical perspective, natural selection is actually great evidence for the incredible capacity for animals to adapt due to their design. In short, what we observe is the opposite of evolution, and great evidence of a designer—the Creator God of the Bible. Equip your children to understand this important issue so they can withstand the humanistic evolutionary bias that interprets the real evidence to discredit the Bible. Romans 1:20 “For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.”

Child-training methodologies are important. The permissive methods, the behavior-modification methods, and the externalistic, recipe-driven methods have all borne bad fruit over the years. But what is there for parents who desire authentic, heart-deep, God-loving kids? Based on the experience of generations of godly child-rearing, and the wisdom of God’s Word, Kevin Swanson carves out a biblical balance to this difficult subject in this presentation.

ID: 1332
May. 17, 2013

Why do most scientists believe in evolution? Is it because the science behind evolution is so strong? In this eye-opening presentation, and using their very own data, Gary ‘busts’ the myths behind evolutionary assumptions and shows how the evidence fits the biblical account better. But why is this an important debate for Christians? It’s because our children will be taught evolution as ‘fact’ when they undertake higher education. The consequences are having a damaging effect on the church as our youth walk away from their faith. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can actually empower our children if we can teach them how to think straight in this crooked world.

ID: 1333
May. 17, 2013

What is it about home education that has profoundly reenergized education and produced such outstanding academic results? Incredibly, the average Homeschool 8th grader without teacher-credentialed parents tests 4 grade levels above the national average on nationally standardized tests. And it is not because we have taken a public school system complete with desks and bolted them to the floor of our living rooms. In this visionary, ground-breaking presentation on the Homeschool vision, Kevin presents the basic elements that make up an outstanding homeschooling experience for your child. This message will give the first-time homeschooler confidence and vision and will provide encouragement and a reality check for the experienced home educator.

What is ‘real science’? Jonathan discusses the distinction between ‘origins science’ which seeks to explain what happened in the past and ‘operational science’ which is testable, repeatable, and is the source of things like cell phones and antibiotics. He shows how what we see from operational science—things we observe today—support the Bible’s statements about origins and an intelligent Designer—the God of the Bible. This includes startling evidence for a globe-covering Flood that laid down rock layers, formed fossils, and carved canyons.

“Every year Greg & Connie Brezina bring clear insight for building a family pleasing to God. Without marital harmony the home school will not function as God intended. You will learn some very practical steps to make your marriage a blessing to those around you and to God. This has always been a favorite session at the GHEA Conference.

Gary is arguably the world’s leading Christian authority in this area. His book, Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection, is the only creation book to be an Amazon top 50 best-seller. He points out that life can only arise from one of two mechanisms; either it was created (as the Bible says) or it evolved (as evolutionists claim). Countless numbers, including most Christians, believe in alien life due to popular culture and evolutionism. So what about life on other planets? What about all the UFO sightings and experiences with alleged aliens that people (including some Christians) claim to have? Are these real events, and are they really aliens? Gary’s investigations have taken him all over the world to uncover a sinister agenda by spiritual forces that have deceived millions. And yes, the experiences can be real, but they are not really aliens. As much as it might surprise many, Gary will demonstrate from Scripture that, even in this incomprehensively massive universe, the earth and mankind are unique, and that the Bible does not allow for intelligent life on other planets. Prepare to have your thinking challenged.

ID: 1355
May. 18, 2013

Angry children,angry parents, both disrupt the blessings of home schooling that God intends you to have! Sharon will share from her personal experience of dealing firsthand with both of these situations in the home, and give twenty-five Biblical principles that parents violate that provoke their children to anger. There is hope, and it is found in God's Word!

Many non-believers rail against God because they witness so much death and suffering in the world, and this is one of the main reasons why people reject the God of the Bible. However, if they are atheists, what logical basis do they have for determining what is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ anyway? Sadly, many have left their Christian faith because they have been taught that death and struggle is an essential part of ‘life’, and so this must be the way that God created. However, if we understand and take the Bible’s history at face value, the death and suffering we see in the world should actually serve as a reminder that something is wrong with this fallen world. When we look at the world through the lens of the Scripture, we find that indeed God has done something about all the death and suffering in the world. You will be immensely encouraged by this message.

We can tell when something shows evidence of having a human designer. So when things in nature show those same characteristics—only on a much more complex level—it makes sense to attribute that to a Designer as well. Jonathan discusses several evidences of magnificent design in nature, including DNA, molecular machines, the complexity of the cell, and more. He also demolishes arguments of ‘bad design’.

ID: 1361
May. 18, 2013

Do you have a child who is doubting his faith? Or perhaps a daughter who has rejected your beliefs completely? Are you convinced you've failed...and the state of this child's heart is weighing heavily on you and your spouse? Come and listen to Carol share her own journey away from and back to her faith after 13 years as an atheist. She'll share thoughts and views from inside the mind of a lost child. You'll learn the best thing you can do for this child and for yourself. Come and find an understanding heart that hurts and rejoices along with your own. A Year in Missions Imagine learning about the exciting lives of missionaries in a way that incorporates history and geography, science and language. Any study of history should begin with people. You can make missions a year-long unit study that covers a full school year of learning (you will need your own math program). Find out how to take well written biographies that engage your child and create a year-long study covering a multitude of learning while enriching your child's faith through a study of the lives of people who devoted themselves to teaching others about Christ.


Atlanta, GA
Saturday - Monday
May. 1 through 3, 2010

2010 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association
ID: 1007
May. 1, 2010

Do you ever have those moments of panic when you wonder if you are giving your children everything they need to succeed in life? Or, in those rare quiet moments of thought and reflection, do you worry that you are inadequate for all that homeschooling requires of you? Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night plagued by the long list of important things that still need to be done and know there will never be enough time in the day to accomplish them? If you, like I, have experienced these feelings and fears in your homeschooling journey, then come to this workshop and be encouraged. God knows that as human beings we are confined and surrounded by limitations and weaknesses. We will look specifically at the challenging areas of vision, finances, knowledge, home management, and fatigue. The Scripture provides promises of hope, strength, power, and help for those of us who are weak, weary, and imperfect. The Bible also instructs us in accomplishing the impossible as we bask in God's boundless resources, amazing strength, and infinite love.

ID: 1019
May. 1, 2010

Greg & Connie are joined by two of their sons in this very encouraging session.

ID: 1022
May. 1, 2010

Seeing the 'big picture' of the earth's history from a biblical perspective. What does the Bible say about dinosaurs? Men and dinosaurs living together? When were dinosaurs created? Don't dinosaurs prove the Bible is wrong? Has anyone seen a real live dinosaur? What happened to them? Why should Christians be interested in dinosaurs? This illustrated presentation shows how dinosaurs are having an impact on your family, even without your knowledge. It will give you answers to many important questions about life, the universe and everything. For some, it answers questions that have been troubling for years but which they have been afraid to ask for fear of seeming skeptical.

ID: 1024
May. 1, 2010

Reclaiming a stolen weapon.


Atlanta, GA
Friday - Sunday
May. 1 through 3, 2009

2009 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association

Education is discipleship. How are we discipling our children? For many, the reformation doctrine of Sola Scriptura is an easy doctrine to say �Amen� to; however, adherence to this great Christian truth requires far more than verbal assent: If ye love me, keep my commandments (John 14: 15). The keeping of God�s commands requires a working knowledge of His word. Reformation of the heart and victorious Christian living only come with recognition of the consequences of our profession and conformity to the image of Christ through transformation and renewal of our minds.

No matter what the size of your family, each child needs special one-on-one time with each of his parents. How are you going to manage that when you scarcely get a date with your spouse? Where do you go to get more hours in your day? And what do you mean by �date�? Join Rebecca to learn how to make individual quality time with your kids a priority. You�ll discover the keys to grabbing hold of the opportunities God provides and establishing stronger life connections with the hearts you�re blessed to hold.

ID: 932
May. 1, 2009

Dr. Humphreys first shows that a basic assumption of the big bang theory, that the universe has no center, contradicts Scripture. Then he shows that putting a Bible-based assumption, that the universe has a (Conference Speakers & Exhibitor Workshops are listed alphabetically.) 22 center, into Einstein�s theory of relativity provides a way to get light from distant galaxies to the earth within one ordinary day, the fourth day of creation. He explains this in simple layman�s language, no equations or jargon. The toughest thing to explain is how the Big Bang theorists imagine a cosmos without a center. The creationist picture is much closer to what laymen already imagine. Several other creationists have built cosmologies from this simple beginning point, so we now have at least four creation cosmologies to choose from. Now believers can again see the universe as being young, only the Biblical 6,000 years old. Once again, the heavens declare the glory of God.

ID: 933
May. 1, 2009

This workshop takes readers on a journey from the beginnings of Western philosophy to its present manifestations. It examines a philosopher or a philosophical movement and then gives a Biblical refutation of the deception or a complement to the truth presented. At the end of the workshop, the listener will not merely be talking about spiritual warfare, but also be engaged in it. Christians will leave this talk with hope and assurance.

ID: 947
May. 1, 2009

Man does not live a healthy life just by eating good nutritious food, but by following every word given to us by our Lord. This powerful workshop by Sue Becker is her personal testimony of her survival of a cancer that is often terminal. Although proper nutrition was key in her survival, her complete healing came through very basic principles laid down by God's word.

ID: 948
May. 1, 2009

This seminar will survey the military history in the Bible. We will examine the weapons (some of them of massed destruction!) and interesting campaigns of Israel, Assyria, Babylonia and Egypt from a perspective not often pursued in biblical studies. We will also look at the Roman army as it appeared in the New Testament.

Boys are different, Mom! Our sexually permissive culture is already sending your son signals that real manhood equals an aggressive thirst for power and a lustful hunger for promiscuity. How do you whet your son's appetite for Christ alone? Join Rebecca to learn the secrets every mother needs to know about raising a godly son.

ID: 965
May. 1, 2009

Few people are aware that most of the relevant scientific data are in favor of a young world. Dr. Humphreys has been studying such data for nearly forty years. Recently, exciting new evidence has come to light that drastically compresses the billion-year ages of such dating methods as potassium/argon, uranium/lead, and carbon 14. Carbon 14 has now become the friend of creationism! We have reported these data findings at an annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union, and in several articles and books, both technical and non-technical. Attend this session for a sample of such evidence!

As children mature they ask three foundational questions of their fathers. The answers the father demonstrates to these questions determine whether he will raise a rebel or a mighty warrior for the cause of Christ. (1)Are you worthy for me to follow? (2)Are you worthy to have my heart? (3) If I give you my heart, will you lead me? This talk will focus on practical steps a father (and mother) can take to win and keep the heart of their sons and daughters. We will also cover valuable leadership lessons for the father to apply in his home.