Georgia Home Education Association

Recordings Listing


Atlanta, GA
Thursday - Saturday
Jun. 5 through 7, 2014

2014 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association
ID: 1424
Jun. 6, 2014

In a 21st century world, parents need the tools to keep up with the technology that their children are using. Our seminar gives relevant information about why and how to protect children on the internet, on smart devices, and technology in general. Understanding what parents need to protect their children from is the first step. The tools provided offer parents practical methods with tested and useful products. The Lopez’ are Life Coaches who specialize in marriage conflict and crisis resolution and internet safety.

When Drew Perry was 18, he became a real estate investor and brought his very educated dad home from corporate America in just three years by selling houses on eBay. Now, all four brothers work together in a family business. To learn how Wendell and Rhea Perry educated their 7 children to focus on living simply, glorifying God and building financial freedom while doing what they love, don’t miss this exciting story, complete with pictures!

Have you ever considered the benefits of having a box full of tools to enhance your marriage? Just like every building project needs the right tools for successful construction, so a marriage benefits from effective tools to keep it growing in the right direction. Greg and Connie Brezina will be discussing some of these communication tools with plenty of real life examples to encourage those who desire their marriage to be everything God has designed it to be.

Parents who have challenging children need specific tools for working with these kids. This session offers hope and encouragement to parents who desperately need it. In this session parents will understand how raising the character threshold can help kids do the right thing. Attendees will learn to use an Action Plan Worksheet to develop a unique plan for their child. Parents gain hope and encourage by learning a biblical plan to work with a challenging child.

Parents who have challenging children need specific tools for working with these kids. This session offers hope and encouragement to parents who desperately need it. In this session parents will understand how raising the character threshold can help kids do the right thing.


Atlanta, GA
Thursday - Saturday
May. 16 through 18, 2013

2013 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association

Child-training methodologies are important. The permissive methods, the behavior-modification methods, and the externalistic, recipe-driven methods have all borne bad fruit over the years. But what is there for parents who desire authentic, heart-deep, God-loving kids? Based on the experience of generations of godly child-rearing, and the wisdom of God’s Word, Kevin Swanson carves out a biblical balance to this difficult subject in this presentation.

ID: 1333
May. 17, 2013

What is it about home education that has profoundly reenergized education and produced such outstanding academic results? Incredibly, the average Homeschool 8th grader without teacher-credentialed parents tests 4 grade levels above the national average on nationally standardized tests. And it is not because we have taken a public school system complete with desks and bolted them to the floor of our living rooms. In this visionary, ground-breaking presentation on the Homeschool vision, Kevin presents the basic elements that make up an outstanding homeschooling experience for your child. This message will give the first-time homeschooler confidence and vision and will provide encouragement and a reality check for the experienced home educator.

“Every year Greg & Connie Brezina bring clear insight for building a family pleasing to God. Without marital harmony the home school will not function as God intended. You will learn some very practical steps to make your marriage a blessing to those around you and to God. This has always been a favorite session at the GHEA Conference.

ID: 1361
May. 18, 2013

Do you have a child who is doubting his faith? Or perhaps a daughter who has rejected your beliefs completely? Are you convinced you've failed...and the state of this child's heart is weighing heavily on you and your spouse? Come and listen to Carol share her own journey away from and back to her faith after 13 years as an atheist. She'll share thoughts and views from inside the mind of a lost child. You'll learn the best thing you can do for this child and for yourself. Come and find an understanding heart that hurts and rejoices along with your own. A Year in Missions Imagine learning about the exciting lives of missionaries in a way that incorporates history and geography, science and language. Any study of history should begin with people. You can make missions a year-long unit study that covers a full school year of learning (you will need your own math program). Find out how to take well written biographies that engage your child and create a year-long study covering a multitude of learning while enriching your child's faith through a study of the lives of people who devoted themselves to teaching others about Christ.


Atlanta, GA
Friday - Sunday
May. 1 through 3, 2009

2009 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association