Homeschool Louisiana

Recordings Listing


Baton Rouge / Baker - Louisiana
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 17 through 18, 2015

2015 CHEF of Louisiana Homeschool & Parenting Convention - Raising the Next Generation

Presented by: Homeschool Louisiana

Find out how you can discover your child's natural way of learning and understanding. We'll explore nine different Multiple Intelligences and learning styles. Once you know how your child processes information so it becomes interesting to them, you can then know how to present information in a way that they enjoy learning. I will be sharing how books from Usborne Books & More can reach and excite your child through their individual strengths.

ID: E2
Apr. 18, 2015

Don’t let the idea of teaching science send you into a panic. Science at its core is about making observations, asking questions, and seeking out answers. Going on a nature walk provides the perfect opportunity to nurture the budding scientist inside each of you. Come unlock the wonder and beauty of science explorations awaiting your family in the great outdoors. We’ll delve into the many benefits and give you an arsenal of ideas to implement in your neighborhood, parks and nearby wilderness areas! Plus you’ll discover how these adventures will help in all of your other academic endeavors as well.

ID: E4
Apr. 18, 2015

The homeschool mom usually has her plate so full that she often finds herself neglecting the important for the sake of the urgent. Trying to balance your time between homeschool, your kids, your spouse, the church, extra-curricular activities, and everything else in between is a difficult task. Unfortunately, the spouse is most often the one that is put on the back burner. This workshop will help you put life back in the proper perspective, deal with the urgent, and put the important one back in his proper place.

ID: E5
Apr. 18, 2015

Conflicts arise when parents least expect it, but it is part of normal family life. Discipline in the home is essential for healthy relationships and creating an atmosphere for learning, but accomplishing that from toddler to teen is difficult. In this fast-paced, how-to workshop, Roger and Jan offer practical ways of dealing with common areas of conflict from a Biblical mindset.

Leading a home-centered education isn't easy. Learn the basic principles that guide us as we find purpose and priority in our homeschool.

ID: E7
Apr. 18, 2015

In this refreshing workshop, participants will learn how to nurture their preschooler’s mind and soul through play in order to prepare a firm foundation for the delights and demands of a classical education. Wonder is the fuel for a lifetime of learning, and parents will learn how to cultivate this in their children and win it back for themselves!

ID: G2
Apr. 18, 2015

Change is happening rapidly in higher education. Universities are doing their best to keep up with the demands of the student marketplace. Come learn how to be on the cutting edge and not left behind. Learn strategies and tools to ensure you receive a quality education, have a great college experience and walk away with a degree but without a mountain of debt.

ID: G3
Apr. 18, 2015

Come explore the scientific research behind the mind/body connection and how movement can be the key switch to turn your child ON to learning. Learn ways to incorporate movement into everyday learning to maximize your child’s learning potential.

What is the easiest way to keep track of your home business income and expenses? Can I take mileage deductions? What is contract labor? Can I deduct expenses for having an office in my home? Come learn the answers to these questions.

ID: G6
Apr. 18, 2015

Do the social sciences leave you thirsty for more than dry academics? Join us as we blow the dust off the books and take a fresh look at teaching God's world, God's people, and God's story. We will descuss tips and tricks for taking our studies outside the box and making the social sciences engaging for all learning styles.

ID: G7
Apr. 18, 2015

This session will focus on the mother's role in instilling godly character into the lives of her children through discipleship. Some of the topics we will cover are: •What exactly is discipleship? •How important is a Bible curriculum? •What are some practical ways to disciple my children? •What are some of the struggles in discipleship? And what are the rewards?

ID: G8
Apr. 18, 2015

Kathy shares how to create an amazing preschool experience for your child at home. From the latest in scientific research on child development to the organization of supplies, this information-packed workshop will help you prepare your child for lifelong learning and make wonderful memories along the way!

It makes no sense to pour our lives into homeschooling only to stumble at the finish line. We’ve got to pass the baton of Christian adulthood to our children, and it can’t happen overnight. Hal and Melanie talk about this critical time in our children’s lives, and how to transition from the benevolent dictator our eleven year-olds need to the trusted advisor of our adult children. Let’s all finish well and prepare our sons and daughters to be responsible adults and servants of the Most High, even when we can’t make them anymore!