Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

Recordings Listing


Lancaster, PA
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 1 through 2, 2018

PA-2018 Walking by Faith and not by Sight

Presented by: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania
ID: 2018-403
Jun. 1, 2018

How can a mom homeschool while her children constantly vie for her attention or bicker whenever her back is turned? Simply put, she can’t. But the Razvis understand that situation because that’s what it was like for them just after their first adoption of a sibling group of five children. Come and hear how they have conquered that sibling rivalry and forged strong bonds between siblings. They will share the tremendous impact sibling relationships have on Mom’s ability to teach. This workshop will leave you encouraged that you can truly have peace in your homeschool.

ID: 2018-405
Jun. 1, 2018

How can a family of fifteen manage to fit homeschooling in along with all the basic necessities of life and still stay sane? Come and hear the Razvis share how important planning is for their home, what methods they use, and why they use them. Be encouraged that it is possible to not only stay sane but to cover the necessities and still maintain the joy of a God-centered household. Come hear their definition of the word “necessities” along with practical tips for planning. Walk away encouraged that if a family with 13 children can do it, so can you.

Imran and Tami Razvi have been married for 23 years and are together raising 13 children. Believe it or not, they still sometimes hit “bad cell” areas in their relationship. Good communication is so important in a marriage, and keeping the communication lines open in a homeschooling family is critical in keeping things flowing smoothly. Come laugh with Imran and Tami over some of the “bad cell” areas they have hit over the years. Imran and Tami will share with you the strategies they use to quickly recognize and move out of “bad cell” areas as well as avoid driving through them as often as possible. Come be encouraged and go home with an exercise to clear all the static from your lines of communication.

Honor is a lost concept in the western world. Yet it is a biblical mandate. How important is honor? What does it mean to honor God? What does it mean to honor your father and mother? And how do those concepts play out in daily life? Even if mom covers all of the academics of homeschooling, dad’s role is crucial. What is that role and how does honor play a part in it? Come and take a peek into the life of the Razvi family and hear what a blessing honor has been for this family of 15.

We are called to disciple our children. But what a beautiful thing it is to get to the place where our children are wishing to be discipled by us, coming to us to ask for prayer and counsel over sin struggles in their hearts. Do you know God’s vision for your family? Do your children know it? Are you headed there together? Are you connected to your child’s heart? If your child is a toddler, now is the time to begin paving the way to family unity. If he is already a teenager, don’t miss this workshop. If God’s love can conquer unity challenges in the Razvi’s family of 13 children (8 adopted and 5 birth children), He can conquer those challenges in any family. Come hear our story and take away practical tools for developing family unity.