Homeschool Idaho

Speakers Detail

Barry Peters

In Idaho, home-schooling as we know it, would not exist if it were not for the diligent servant leadership of Mr. Barry Peters. Twenty-five years ago, he charted a course of wise and winsome statesmanship that has placed Idaho at the pinnacle of homeschool freedom not only in our nation, but the entire world. Join us in welcoming Barry to the main stage as he shares the history of Idaho homeschooling, as it can only be told by someone who lived it, and fought valiantly to advance it. Please do not miss this opportunity to hear his address live, and to join us in honoring the man most responsible for our freedom. Barry serves on the board of legal advisers for the Idaho Coalition of Home Educators and CHOIS. His regular legal updates inform Idaho homeschoolers of challenges to their right to home educate. Mr. Peters’ law practice, in Eagle, Idaho, specializes in the areas of real estate, estate planning and business law. He and his wife, Res, have successfully completed home educating their two daughters.