North Dakota Home School Association

Speakers Detail

Christina Rondeau

Christina Rondeau

Christina Rondeau has been married to her husband, Adam, for over 19 years. Together, they have 5 children; Rachel (18), Kaelin (17), Adam Luke (12), Ethan (12), and Elijah (12). Christina has homeschooled all her children from the beginning, and credits her own homeschool upbringing with providing the foundation needed to survive homeschooling through the chaotic years of having “Irish triplets.” Christina has lived through the evolution of homeschool laws and the homeschool movement in ND, and it was at a NDHSA convention in Jamestown around the year 2000, when she was just 21, that she was introduced to the Christian, classical method of homeschooling. Since then, Christina has been passionate about growing in her own understanding and application of the Christian, classical method of home education, and helping others do the same. Inspired and influenced by early leaders of classical, Christian homeschooling such as Susan Wise Bauer (The Well Trained Mind and The Well Educated Mind) and the Bluedorns (Teaching the Trivium), Christina currently resides in Bismarck with her family.