Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania

Recordings Detail

Recording ID: 2017-218

Living Books to Language Arts

You may have heard that “living books” are vital to an excellent education for your children. You may wonder, however, what is a “living book”? Is any book at my local library a living book? How can I tell? In this hour, Sue Pruett will define what a living book is, share examples of living books, and give you a guide on how to evaluate a book to determine if it is genuinely a living book. Sue will also share with you exactly how to use a living book in your child’s education, and show you just how EASY it is to use living books. You will be amazed at just how much can be accomplished with a few simple exercises – like copy work, for example. Join us this hour to learn how to cover all these subjects and more without driving you or your children mad!