Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association

Recordings Detail

Recording ID: 22Sat104

Table Manner Essentials for the Whole Family

Let’s imagine...your children chew with their mouths closed, don’t make weird noises at the table, never announce what they don’t like at the table, sit still and respectfully while eating, show sincere gratitude each and every time they are served a meal, allow their elders to go first, never forget to ask if they can help clean up afterwards, etc. Is this a dream? Is this possible? YES OF COURSE! It’s all in how you teach and approach table manners. This Parenting Master Class by Master Motivator, Monica Irvine, will teach you the pattern of teaching your family how to have impeccable table manners and how to make it fun and doable. Parents, this is not rocket science, however, if you think that your children are going to “get it” by just constant correction, then allow me to ask, “How’s that working for you?” Don’t miss this!