Recordings Detail

Recording ID: 2017-1303

Partnership Writing: Becoming your Child's Effective Coach

Friday Jun. 2, 2017

Your child struggles to get words on the page, yet you feel guilty about offering help. Is it cheating to do the handwriting for him? Shouldn’t you hold back and not interfere with her work? When your child revises a draft, is it okay for you, the parent, to make suggestions or contribute sentences and ideas? What do you do if your child “borrows” original material from another source and passes it off as his own? Partnership Writing is more than transcribing your child’s oral narratives. Partnering with your child in writing means to model, support and guide the writing process by supplying the appropriate amount of help to the evident level of need. Julie explores ways you can partner with your child from kindergarten all the way through the academic writing life of a high schooler. Don’t miss this essential workshop that transforms how you develop your writing-editing partnership with all of your children. Partnership Writing is the most overlooked stage of development in the natural stages of growth in writing. Learn how to be that partner your child needs and deserves.