Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association

Speakers Detail

Rick Willet

Rick Willet

Rick Willet is a general contractor in residential remodeling and has been involved in the construction industry since 1977. In 1995, Rick and his wife Marcia started Willet Construction Remodeling Specialists. Rick graduated from Southeast Community College - Milford in 1979 with a Bachelor’s degree in Building Construction Technology. He has been a member of the Home Builders Association of Lincoln Remodeling Council (HBAL) since 1999, serving as Chairperson in 2018. In 2015, Rick became a member of Remodelers Advantage Roundtables which is a national networking peer-group of remodeling contractors working together towards mastering the fundamentals of owning a remodeling business. Son Jason joined the company in 2015 and will eventually take over the company. Rick desires to educate and encourage young men and women about the great career opportunities available in the construction industry.