Homeschool Idaho

Speakers Detail

Heidi St John

Heidi St John

Heidi St. John has been married to her husband, Jay, since 1989. They have seven children (and a son-in-law) ranging in age from toddler to young adult, and have homeschooled their children all the way through high school. A popular author and conference speaker, Heidi brings a refreshing mix of information and inspiration to listeners on the radio, in person, and through the written word. Heidi’s transparency and honesty are like a breath of fresh air in a world where too many speakers seem to have all the answers. Her ability to be real with her listeners and readers allows them to identify with her at a deep level which in turn allows Heidi to gently lead her audience toward the Savior who actually DOES have all the answers. You’ll laugh, cry, and nod your head at Heidi’s insights, her truth-telling, and her delightful sense of humor as she brings hope and encouragement to her audience.