Christian Heritage Home Educators of Washington

Speakers Detail

Phillip Telfer

Phillip Telfer

Phillip Telfer has ministered to youth and families for over 30 years, sharing at camps, retreats, schools, conferences, and churches around the country.? He is the director of the non-profit ministry Media Talk 101 and author of the books Media Choices: Convictions or Compromise? and the young adult novel Why Save Alexander. He wrote, produced, and co-directed the award-winning documentary Captivated: Finding Freedom in a Media Captive Culture, and founded the annual Christian Worldview Film Festival and Filmmakers Guild. Phillip loves Jesus, his family, and his local church. He’s finicky about coffee so he took up the hobby of home roasting and when he needs to unplug, he can be found in his workshop crafting things from wood. He and his wife Mary have been happily married for thirty-two years and are blessed with four wonderful children, one fantastic son-in-law, and three precious grandchildren. Phillip and Mary homeschool through high school and have graduated three of their children with one left to go.