Homeschool Idaho

Recordings Detail

Recording ID: 22-51

Parenting the Passionate Child

Saturday Jun. 4, 2022

So often, parents of passionate children feel alone in their parenting journey. It can be very lonely when you are struggling with your child. You wonder what you are doing wrong, or what's wrong with your child, if you are the only parent who has ever struggled to like their kid, and if you are a terrible parent. It's hard! In this talk Greta encourages every parent of passionate children and tells them they are not alone. She shares real honest parts of her own journey parenting two very passionate children, and all the positive things God has brought about in their lives and my own through the journey. Greta also offers practical tips to help you help your passionate child grow and blossom. Her goal in this talk is not to tell parents how to fix their children, but rather to see the gift that passion is to our children and how it can be used for good.