Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association

Recordings Detail

Recording ID: 2017H6

Dinosaurs, Ice Age, and Pre-Flood World

Have those nagging questions answered: Did dinosaurs go on Noah’s Ark? Where did Cain get his wife? How could people live 900 years old? How does a Young Earth affect the Gospel of Jesus? What does the doctrine of creation have to do with so many leaving the church today? Was ancient man really primitive? What happened to the dinosaurs? Where did the different races come from? How can I teach creation in the classroom? Geared for all ages and all subjects this educational but entertaining presentation will leave you excited and confirm the authority of the Word of God and its inspiration. This presentation gives you the tools to share the message of creation and connect the Bible to the World around you, allowing kids to know the Bible is God’s Word, an authority, inspired and accurate theologically as well as scientifically.