Recordings Listing


Baker, Louisiana
Friday & Saturday
Apr. 25 through 26, 2014

2014 CHEF of Louisiana Annual Homeschool Convention

Presented by: Homeschool Louisiana

We don't all love diagramming sentences or arguing over parts of speech, but we all need to understand language and use it properly. This workshop will address both practical and philosophical reasons why grammar and writing matter, then dig into ways to teach them without losing your mind.

When you look at your children, do you see only little people making demands on your time? Or do you see what God sees—a landscape of limitless possibilities? Author and homeschool mother Zan Tyler wants to take you beyond the demands of everyday life to embrace a wondrous, life-giving vision for your children’s future. You will learn to recognize the signs of potential in your children’s lives—signs that are easy to miss yet ripe for cultivation. You will begin to see every facet of each child’s life through the eyes of faith and the lens of Scripture and to create a vision of hope and beauty. You will also look to the Master Gardener as you learn to use the tools He has given you for cultivating that child’s potential. Let Zan show you how to help your kids establish a godly identity, build deep relationships, discover their unique purpose, develop a biblical worldview, and build leadership and communication skills. You will come away with a vision of child-raising so captivating and enthralling that you will know, come bedtime, it’s all been well worth the effort.

ID: D4
Apr. 25, 2014

This session is aimed toward those just beginning homeschooling and those considering homeschooling. Find out what steps you need to take to start, how to plan your day, how to respond to concerned friends and family, and how to have what it takes to survive and thrive while homeschooling. Bring your question and concerns to this inviting, helpful session.

ID: D6
Apr. 25, 2014

Parents of struggling students often find that their best resources are other parents who have walked the same road; this workshop is intended to offer the same encouragement and a few more concrete sources of help.

ID: E2
Apr. 26, 2014

Homeschooling is more like a 26-mile marathon than a 100-yard dash. If you want to complete the race successfully, you must develop a training strategy that builds your strength, stamina, and vision and enables you to persevere until the end. Zan Tyler, who homeschooled her children for 21 years, provides training tips that will help you complete the God-given task of homeschooling and help you “run with endurance the race that lies before us.”

ID: E3
Apr. 26, 2014

Sometimes the decisions facing us with the upcoming high school years can cause us to lose confidence; yet, it is precisely these years that have the most return for us as parents. In this session, practical and tangible information will be covered regarding course material, extra-curricular activities, transcripts, diplomas, ACT, SAT, PSAT, TOPS, free online tutorials, and classes, college prep vs. business, and resources for "the teacher." You will have to listen fast, but handouts will be available as well.

ID: E4
Apr. 26, 2014

Enjoy tea and cake as ladies share the experiences as a homeschool mom, pursuing excellence, and trying to find that ever-elusive "balance." Several ladies have prepared something to share, but the time is flexible enough to address the needs and concerns of the attendees.

ID: E5
Apr. 26, 2014

As homeschooling parents, we don't want our children missing out on the opportunities and activities of their counterparts. However, providing our children a myriad of extra curricular activities can become costly. Over the past few years, we have been able to identify several free or low cost activities, field trips and family experiences that will enrich your homeschooling experience.

Families with children who desire competitive athletic experiences have several avenues to meet that need. Hear how families have addressed that need, and what opportunities may be available for your athlete.

Our children live in the midst of a secular culture and face a host of frightening problems that we never had to deal with at their age. Because they are often not prepared to counter our culture, startling percentages of children raised in evangelical homes do not continue in their faith and beliefs into adulthood. For this reason, training our children to develop a strong biblical worldview is one of the most important things we can do. Teaching them to think biblically about all areas of life equips them to become powerful thinkers, leaders, and communicators. Most importantly, it also gives staying power to their faith as they face opposition. Our goal as Christian homeschoolers must be bigger and broader than turning out kids with exceptional talent and high SAT scores. By incorporating worldview training, we can better equip them to use their gifts to impact the world for Christ, help others by solving real problems, and bring glory to God in the process.

ID: G2
Apr. 26, 2014

In the traditional school environment, students have an average of eight to ten individual interactions with their teacher each day. In your homeschool, these verbal interactions can number in the hundreds and thus greatly enhance the education your children receive at home. Zan Tyler shares how the simple, free tool of conversation can help your children replace boredom during lessons with a motivation to learn. Discover why parents make the best teachers and capitalize on these strengths. Explore strategies to minimize conflict in your home and promote camaraderie and enthusiasm instead. Identify simple but profound ways to replace drudgery in learning with stimulating academics. Conversation is key!

God has created each family and each family member to be unique. When we, as parents, embark on this adventure we call “home schooling,” we need to realize that we cannot have a “one-size-fits-all” mentality. What works well for another family may spell disaster for yours. The success your first child enjoyed with your original curriculum choice may not be mirrored by your second child. We’ll touch on a variety of ways you can educate your children, from kindergarten through high school, without getting stuck in an educational rut. We’ll also explore some of the many opportunities that await your child after graduation. Join us as we learn to “Think Outside the Box.”

ID: G5
Apr. 26, 2014

This session explores using co-ops to enrich the homeschooling experience. We will consider different kinds and sizes of co-ops, discuss the pros and cons of belonging to one, and find out how to start one of your own.

What is the easiest way to keep track of your home business income and expenses? Can I take mileage deductions? What is contract labor? Can I deduct expenses for having an office in my home? Come learn the answers to these questions.