Recordings Listing


Atlanta, GA
Friday - Sunday
May. 1 through 3, 2009

2009 GHEA Annual Conference

Presented by: Georgia Home Education Association
ID: 932
May. 1, 2009

Dr. Humphreys first shows that a basic assumption of the big bang theory, that the universe has no center, contradicts Scripture. Then he shows that putting a Bible-based assumption, that the universe has a (Conference Speakers & Exhibitor Workshops are listed alphabetically.) 22 center, into Einstein�s theory of relativity provides a way to get light from distant galaxies to the earth within one ordinary day, the fourth day of creation. He explains this in simple layman�s language, no equations or jargon. The toughest thing to explain is how the Big Bang theorists imagine a cosmos without a center. The creationist picture is much closer to what laymen already imagine. Several other creationists have built cosmologies from this simple beginning point, so we now have at least four creation cosmologies to choose from. Now believers can again see the universe as being young, only the Biblical 6,000 years old. Once again, the heavens declare the glory of God.

ID: 965
May. 1, 2009

Few people are aware that most of the relevant scientific data are in favor of a young world. Dr. Humphreys has been studying such data for nearly forty years. Recently, exciting new evidence has come to light that drastically compresses the billion-year ages of such dating methods as potassium/argon, uranium/lead, and carbon 14. Carbon 14 has now become the friend of creationism! We have reported these data findings at an annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union, and in several articles and books, both technical and non-technical. Attend this session for a sample of such evidence!