Recordings Listing


West Des Moines
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 9 through 10, 2023

Iowa 2023 - Homeschool Iowa Conference

Presented by: Homeschool Iowa
Recording ID: 23-ALL
Original Price: $258.00
Set Price: $75.00

IOWA 2023 - complete conference set

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Show Included Sessions
Sessions Included In This Set: 23-01Identity: Who Do Your Children Think They Are & Why Does It Matter? by: Kathy Koch23-02Choosing the Hard Things or How to Keep Going When You Feel Like Giving Up by: Todd Wilson23-11Get Real! by: Todd Wilson23-12Iowa Homeschool Legal Requirements by: Scott Woodruff23-14Exploring Homeschooling Methods by: Nancy Bjorkman23-15Confusing Times, Confused Neighbors by: Mike Schutt23-21Five Flavors of Homeschooling by: Sonya Shafer23-22Every Dad, a Homeschooling Dad! by: Todd Wilson23-23Homeschool through High School with Confidence by: Kristin Lackie23-24Understanding Dyslexia by: Elizabeth Hoksbergen23-318 Great Smarts: All Children Are Smart: Help Them Believe It! by: Kathy Koch23-32Time & Home Management by: Nancy Bjorkman23-33Simple Transcripts and Record Keeping by: Kristin Lackie23-34The Roots of Order by: Mike Schutt23-35Handwriting Fluency Plus Reading Fluency Equals Success! by: Cathy Angel23-41An Unbeatable Homeschool Team by: Todd Wilson23-42Reaching Your Child's Heart by: Sonya Shafer23-43Laying the Foundation for Life after Graduation by: Dana Blomberg23-44Top 10 Strategies to Engage Your Learner by: Elizabeth Hoksbergen23-51Laying Down the Rails: The Power of Good Habits by: Sonya Shafer23-52Technology's Influence Over Kids' Beliefs and Behaviors by: Kathy Koch23-53How to Homeschool Your Teenage Son by: Shawn Sandersfeld23-54From Games to Reading by: Cathy Angel23-55Is it a Learning Difference or Defiance? by: Elizabeth Hoksbergen23-61The FOUR Homeschool Temperaments by: Todd Wilson23-62Meal Management in the Age of Fast Food by: Nancy Bjorkman23-63Truth by: Mike Schutt23-64Is Our Marriage Ready For Them to Leave the Nest? by: Dana Blomberg23-65Getting Through the Toughest Day of Your Life: Lessons from the Book of Job by: Scott Woodruff23-71Change: Teach Them, Don't Tell Them by: Kathy Koch23-72When More Is Less: A Call to Simplicity by: Sonya Shafer23-75Handwriting: A Nemesis or a Hero? by: Cathy Angel23-76But Mom, How Do I Study? by: Kristin Lackie23-81Keep It Simple: Teach Your Whole Family Together by: Sonya Shafer23-82The Right Parent for Your Child: You by: Scott Woodruff23-83Healthy Cultures Start with Healthy Families by: Dusty & Rae Hess23-84Unlock Your Beginning and/or Struggling Reader's Potential by: Cathy Angel23-85CogniStrong: The Neuroscience of Play and Learning by: Joe O'Tool23-86Vocation by: Mike Schutt23-91Resiliency: Help Children Embrace Life with Confidence by: Kathy Koch23-92Protecting Homeschool Freedom by: Jeremy Vos23-93Post-High School Menu: Apprenticeships & Career Appetizers by: Shawn Sandersfeld23-94Jumpstart College with CLEP by: Kristin Lackie This set is subject to change without notice based on recording availability. Recordings that are lost due to technical difficulties or that are no longer available due to contractual agreements with the speakers, will not be included. No refund for missing sessions is guaranteed or implied.

Identity – how children define themselves – is extremely important. How they see themselves controls their behavior. Therefore, identity influences their academics, relationships, future, hopes, and so much more. Why is it complex today? Why are so many children confused? Learn how to parent so children will have a healthy identity and believe the most important identities of all.

Homeschooling is hard, parenting is hard, and marriage…well, that’s way hard. And that’s OK and even normal. The trouble is we don’t like hard. We want easy, fast, and cheap, and at the same time, we want successful results. But the truth is that good things are hard and hard things are good, and they go hand in hand. Sadly, most people don’t ever experience the good because they can’t handle the hard. They put the hard thing off, hoping it will get easier, or they avoid it altogether, and all they end up with is a pile of regrets. Here’s the good news: you can handle the hard. In fact, if you’re faced with two choices, pick ‘HARD.’ Soak in Todd’s humor-filled inspiration as he shares how to embrace the hardness, keep your eyes on the joy, and experience God’s best for you.

ID: 23-11
Jun. 9, 2023

Are you convinced that every homeschooling family except yours is great? Do you believe the lie that others are more organized, better prepared, have smarter kids, are wiser parents, and have a child in the national spelling bee? Well, let me set the record straight...that's not the way it is! The truth is most moms feel inadequate. Homeschooling moms fear that they're letting their kids down in their education and in example. They feel like their house is out of control, their children are beasts, and the sizzle has left their marriages. Join us as we unleash the power in being REAL. You’ll never be the same again.

ID: 23-12
Jun. 9, 2023

This session covers everything you need to know about Iowa’s homeschool law so you can homeschool with confidence. It includes a thorough presentation of the basics with plenty of time for questions.

ID: 23-13
Jun. 9, 2023

Our Homeschool Iowa Regional Representatives, seasoned homeschooling moms with lots of experience, will give the “real-life” version of how to home educate. Insider tips and helpful resources will be included.

ID: 23-14
Jun. 9, 2023

This engaging workshop will review several different teaching approaches found in homeschooling, and then help attendees identify resources and curricula to fit their family’s particular style. Just getting started in homeschooling? Needing to refocus and redefine what homeschooling could look like for your family? Come benefit from Nancy’s over 30 years of experience and enjoy her dynamic style. This workshop is also listed below, in Workshop Session I, as it is open to all attendees.

ID: 23-15
Jun. 9, 2023

We can all agree that we are currently living in confusing times. Who can tell the difference these days between what is real and fake? Who is right and who is wrong? Who can we trust? People are very confused, trying to answer the big questions about what it means to live the good life, what their purpose is, and how they know what is true. This session will address some of the root causes of our confused age and suggest some ways we can help ourselves and our neighbors think more clearly about the world around us.

ID: 23-21
Jun. 9, 2023

The world of homeschooling is a lot like the world of food. You know that you want to provide nutritious meals for your children’s minds, but there are so many possibilities for what that food could look like and taste like. Join Sonya for a simple overview of five main flavors of homeschooling: traditional, classical, Charlotte Mason, unit studies, unschooling. Find your preferred flavor and learn how to shop for a successful homeschool menu.

ID: 23-22
Jun. 9, 2023

You may not crack open a book, work through a curriculum, or call it school, but it's your job to train your children. Join me as we look at the trials, triumphs, and tribulations of training our children. Now don't worry, I won't make you feel guilty or give you a forty-six-point outline, but I promise to tell it straight and to encourage you in the best job there is: fathering.

Homeschooling through high school might seem intimidating but be encouraged! These can be the most enjoyable and influential years you have with your teens. This workshop takes the guess work out of what academics you should build into your 7-12th grade plan and helps you explore electives and activities that can customize your students' high school years to meet their graduation goals. Teens are encouraged to attend with you.

ID: 23-24
Jun. 9, 2023

Now, that you understand the science, this session provides you with a road map to help your child overcome learning challenges caused by dyslexia. We will outline the different options for identification (from online to informal screening to full psycho-educational evaluations) as well as guiding principles for selecting effective intervention. Additionally, we will discuss critical accommodations and highly effective strategies to infuse throughout daily learning activities. All the essentials to ensure your child succeeds will be provided in a customizable road map.

Topics: Special needs

All children are smart and probably smarter than they realize. Knowing they’re smart empowers them to believe in their todays and tomorrows, to expect some learning to be easy, and to study when something isn’t. The eight intelligences are relevant for our teaching and reteaching. In addition to learning, they’re also relevant to our children’s spiritual growth, behavior, relationships, and career choice. Asking “How am I smart?” instead of “Am I smart?” can change everything!

ID: 23-32
Jun. 9, 2023

Time must be budgeted just like money. We must determine the difference between the fixed – what we must do, and the discretionary – what we would like to do, and set our priorities. This workshop will be filled with practical tips and encouragement for everyday living as a homeschool family. Areas covered include understanding your calling, relationships, schooling, meals, household clutter and cleaning, and general household management. Attendees will leave with practical and applicable tips.

ID: 23-33
Jun. 9, 2023

Transcripts are not just for college – every student needs one. How should you begin? What should you include? Understand the essentials of record keeping, the important records to keep, how to grade, evaluate credits, and prepare a professional looking high school transcript. Teens are invited to attend with you.

ID: 23-34
Jun. 9, 2023

This lecture introduces students to the foundations of law and justice, including the source of law, the definition of liberty, and the principle of jurisdiction based on God’s delegated authority to separate and interdependent human governments—state, church, and family.

Topics: Organization

Teach handwriting explicitly and effortlessly. Students need to learn the basic handwriting forms that we call “Squiggles.” These Squiggles will enable your children to write all the letters of the alphabet effortlessly. We will also address the importance of teaching cursive!

ID: 23-41
Jun. 9, 2023

Marriage is hard…in fact, it’s real hard! Yet when it is right and good, it can withstand anything. It doesn’t matter what the economy does, the status of your bank account, the condition of your home or vehicles, or what your children dish out…because when a husband and wife are right, they’re unbeatable. On the flip side, when a husband and wife feel distant or apathetic, it only takes the slightest breeze to ruffle a bunch of feathers. The truth is a mediocre marriage sucks the joy right out of life and your homeschool. The economy can swing up, your checking account can be healthy, your home and vehicles can purr like kittens, and the kids can behave like angels, and life still…stinks. That’s because marriage matters. Join Todd Wilson, The Familyman, for a time of laughter and encouragement as he shares real life stories, problems, and frustrations along with practical, simple solutions to having a marriage that can’t be beat!

ID: 23-42
Jun. 9, 2023

A mommy-to-mommy challenge about priorities in your home school. Sonya shares six ways to reach your child’s heart—taken from Elizabeth’s example in Luke 1—and four obstacles that can keep us from reaching the heart. This workshop puts the emphasis on the things that are not seen. It reminds parents of the importance of focusing on our children’s hearts and gives practical ways to do that: being available and approachable, being Spirit-led, giving affirming words, setting aside our own agendas, pointing out how God is at work, and encouraging our children to take God at His Word.

As homeschooling parents, it is imperative that we focus on providing a quality education for our kids. But more importantly than meeting the educational needs of our students, the bigger responsibility is to prepare them spiritually for life beyond high school AND college. We will look at the most crucial foundations that need to be laid as we train our children: • Foundation of Embracing the Gospel • Foundation of Applying the Gospel to Every Day • Foundation of a Biblical Worldview • Foundation of Critical Thinking

Well, the title of the session says it all! Learn about the best strategies to promote your child’s interest and engagement while minimizing frustration, shut down and avoidance tactics. From ways to enhance memory function to leverage your child’s cognitive strengths to tap into the motivational power of interactive calendars, this session is fun and has something for every child. Whether your learners love to learn most of the time or struggle significantly, this session will enable you to take your homeschooling savvy to the next level.

Discover the secret to smooth and easy days: habit training. Learn how to instill good habits, which habits Charlotte Mason encouraged parents to cultivate in their children, and practical tips for cultivating the Top Three. Sonya will use lots of stories and examples to communicate the general principles for forming any habit and some practical tips for cultivating the top three: obedience, attention, truthfulness.

Could technology be the root of some of your biggest concerns about your children’s behavior? Yes! Are they complaining and arguing, self-centered, prideful, angry, and unsure what to do after graduation? You’re not alone! Dr. Kathy will help you understand the role of technology and practical things to do so children mature even as they keep using technology.

Topics: Vision
ID: 23-53
Jun. 10, 2023

Parenting a teenage son can be challenging enough—what happens when you’re homeschooling him, too? Homeschooling dad, Shawn Sandersfeld, will present some real-life examples of the strategies and approaches that have worked with his seven sons.

Topics: High school
ID: 23-54
Jun. 10, 2023

Change your laborious reading instruction into a class that both you and your child will look forward to every day! Find out how easy it is to make reading time engaging and fun!

Dyscalculia often causes parents and children alike to want to run for the hills anytime math is even mentioned. This session will clarify what causes dyscalculia, how it presents in the learning environment, and key strategies to navigate learning and apply math skills successfully. If your child struggles with quantitative reasoning, math concepts, calculation, and math fact automaticity, this session will empower you with effective strategies to help your struggling student learn (and maybe even like) math.

ID: 23-61
Jun. 10, 2023

Frustrated by the fact that what works for your homeschooling friends doesn't seem to work for you or what works for one of your children doesn't work for all your children? For the first time ever discover the FOUR homeschool Temperaments. You'll discover if you're a Falcon, Owl, Swan, or Sand Piper and how to homeschool in light of those traits. You'll laugh, nod your head in agreement and find yourself saying, "That finally makes sense." During our time together we'll discuss tips for each temperament, how to teach your children who may NOT be your temperament, and what types of homeschool curriculum works best for your temperament. This is going to be fun as you discover your homeschool temperament!!

ID: 23-62
Jun. 10, 2023

Explore many ideas for managing the daily chore of feeding your family, including the benefits and methods for bulk cooking and several strategies for meal planning and preparation. Nancy will teach about the savings seen in time, energy, money, and stress levels, as well as the increased nutrition and enjoyment in sharing hospitality with others. We will then look at the how-to’s for getting it done and some of the resources available to get people on their way. Once you’ve tried it, you’ll wonder why you waited.

ID: 23-63
Jun. 10, 2023

An introduction to epistemology. Truth is revealed, and truth is a person. Discipleship is a practical outgrowth of the pursuit of truth. We discuss the source of truth, how we know what we know, and the means through which God reveals Himself. In this lecture, Mike spends a few minutes exploring potential conflicting views of revelation, particularly as they relate to the scientific method and scientism. We also examine the nature of discipleship and its relationship to one’s view of truth.

From the moment our babies enter our lives until their graduation day (and sometimes longer) they require an incredible amount of attention, affirmation, and training and ultimately TIME. At the same time, marriage needs a constant effort toward the goal. It is hard to keep those two in balance. But by the grace of God, and by His strength, He gives us the tools to maintain and grow a marriage through the trials and triumphs of kids in the home. Then one day, when the youngest leaves the nest, you aren’t looking at each other as strangers. God has a plan for your marriage to thrive THROUGH and BEYOND your years of homeschooling. We will look to the Bible for practical, foundational ways to pour into your marriage while you pour into your kids.

Sooner or later, we all have it: the most absolutely horrendous day of our lives. Maybe it’s a whole week! You know the story: Job goes through terrible suffering, God responds, and Job’s fortunes are restored. But there’s more to the story. In this session, Scott reveals the powerful, hidden tools within Job’s story that can help you not just survive, but overcome, when your day of testing comes. It could turn out to be your finest hour.

ID: 23-71
Jun. 10, 2023

Are you frustrated because your children aren’t changing in ways you want them to? Learn subtle attitudes and habits that make change difficult so you can decrease their effects. Then learn strategies, relevant Scripture, and a change process that will work!

ID: 23-72
Jun. 10, 2023

It’s easy to get caught up in the mentality that we’ve got to add more: we must do more, we must get more, and our children must study more. More, more, more! But the funny thing is that when we keep adding more, we usually end up with less of what really matters. Discover the richness that simplicity can bring to your schedule, your home, and your children’s education.

ID: 23-75
Jun. 10, 2023

Teach handwriting explicitly and effortlessly. Students need to learn the basic handwriting forms that we call “Squiggles”. These Squiggles will enable your children to write all the letters of the alphabet effortlessly. We will also address the importance of teaching cursive!

Topics: Writing
ID: 23-76
Jun. 10, 2023

Students are often expected to have strong study and organizational skills, but they are rarely taught what that means. This workshop includes practical information geared toward developing effective study habits like setting goals, managing time, organizing spaces, improving reading comprehension, taking notes, taking tests, and finding balance. You will be prepared to help your middle and high school students succeed in academics, in employment, and in life. Teens are encouraged to attend with you.

Save time and money by teaching most school subjects to all of your students together. Join Sonya for practical strategies to lower your stress level, provide a well-rounded education, and help you and your children build sweet memories. Learn how to keep it simple by teaching your whole family together with Charlotte Mason methods.

ID: 23-82
Jun. 10, 2023

Parenting can bring out the worst in us. Every unresolved conflict and unhealed wound threatens to destroy us as soon as we enter on the perilous path of parenting. So why in the world could you possibly think you could adequately parent your child? Because a shocking, miraculous divine grace has chosen you. God knows every one of your failures and flaws, and He still picked you to be the parent of your child! In this session, Scott presents God’s plan of redemption as it is worked out through broken parents rearing chosen children. Parents who have bought into the pessimism of our age and are ready to give up will leave this session with powerful reason for hope, excitement, and confidence.

Are you interested in learning simple ways to equip your family on how to apply health on a daily basis? This workshop is focused on empowering the family, wherever they are at in their health journey, to maximize their time by investing in areas that will create life changing results.

If you aren't teaching the Six Types of Syllables to your child, you are missing a huge support for decoding and spelling! Come see how easy it is to teach and apply this learning!

Can you train your brain? Can physical activity improve the academic achievement of your students? Can movement enhance general health and wellbeing? Can exercise decrease stress, anxiety, depression, and other symptoms such as ADHD in an individual? Just 50 years ago the idea that the adult brain can change in any way was considered nonsense. Researchers accepted that the immature brain is malleable, but also believed that it gradually hardens into a permanent structure by the end of childhood. Also, it was generally accepted that humans were born with a finite number of brain cells and that the brain was incapable of regenerating itself. Damage or injuries could never be fixed. Nothing could be further from the truth! The brain's ability to change is called neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is essential in learning. Dr. Joe O'Tool will give a scientific understanding of the brain, the role of exercise in learning, and specific actions you can take with each individual student to maximize learning and minimize stress!

ID: 23-86
Jun. 10, 2023

This lecture presents the basics of the Christian view of “calling” in all areas of life—family, church, work, and country. What does it mean to be “called” to a job or to a role in one’s family, and how does it help to think about life through the lens of calling? The discussion answers the questions “how do I know my calling?” and “are some jobs more “Christian” than others”?

Are your children easily frustrated by their mistakes? Do they give up quickly or resist taking risks? Do they complain that things are too hard? They need to be resilient so they can bounce back quickly from difficulties and disappointments. Resilient children have healthier mental health, are problem solvers, and aren’t afraid of using effort. Dr. Kathy’s practical techniques work, and you will be able to parent so resiliency is more likely.

ID: 23-92
Jun. 10, 2023

Hear from our Homeschool Iowa Lobbyist, Jeremy Vos, about our efforts to keep homeschooling rights secure. Find out about proposed legislation and learn how you can be a partner.

This workshop will address ways to discover the gifts and talents of your child and merge them into opportunities as they complete high school and beyond.

ID: 23-94
Jun. 10, 2023

Cut the cost of college tuition in half! This popular workshop will share how to accelerate the first two years of college by earning credit for subjects your student may already be studying in high school. The College Board’s College Level Examination Program (CLEP) along with Prometric’s DSST program are nationally recognized credit- by-exam programs that offer over 70 different exams, allowing students to test out of courses generally taken the first two years of college. Whether your student is gifted, motivated, or looking for purpose, this workshop will help save time and money earning a college degree. Teens are encouraged to attend with you.