Recordings Listing


Portland Convention Center
Friday & Saturday
Jun. 21 through 22, 2013

OR-2013 Anchored in Christ

Presented by: Oregon Christian Home Education Association Network
ID: 13-001
Jun. 21, 2013

Every day in life, families receive a series of blessings and storms sent from God for the purpose of revealing the power of a relationship with Jesus Christ. When they come, everyone reacts or responds to them based on what they believe the gospel to be; it's their foundation. God's Word states that believers have an anchor for the soul, but sometimes souls drift because they forget that anchor or because they don't really know how to connect to the anchor. Norm provides practical explanation and suggestions for how to live anchored in Jesus Christ. This results in powerful, peaceful, grace-filled living that attracts others to Christ.

Homeschooling children or teens often develop a wrong understanding about their relationship with God from parents who give or withhold acceptance based on performance. Do you know how to give the blessing of an imperishable relationship even when another has disappointed or offended you?